pain 4d Flashcards
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue, damage or described in terms of such damage
pain is __
protective and adaptive
alert for actual or potential threat to physical self
pain is number one reason people___
seek medical treatment
Noxious stimulus
activates nociceptive stimulus, painful, bothersome
innocuous stimulus
non-nociceptive , does not elicit pain, example: gentle touch
sensitivty to pain
reduced sensitivty to pain
increased sensitivty to pain
sensation of pain in the absence of stimulus or pain resulting from normally painless stimuli
Gate control theory
pain transmission modulated by impulses synapsing on spinal cord
-cells in substantial gelatinosa fxn as a “gate” that controls transmission of signal to higher centers in the brain
___and___ sense painful stimuli and open gate
A delta, C fibers
A beta
hitting your elbow _____, ______ that same area makes pain subside faster
pain: noxious stimuli, rubbing : innocuous stimulus
CNS signals can modify gate
ex: depression increases sensitivity to physical pain bc it allows gate to be opened more easily
Neuromatrix theory
idea that brain produces patterns of nerve impulses perceived as pain from a variety of inputs: genetics, psychology, cognitive experiences
patterns typically _____in periphery , BUT may also originate independently ______
activated by sensory inputs, in the brain without external sensations
neuromatrix takes into account ___ aspect of pain
phantom limb pain, chronic pain
physical stimulus may be missing but pain is still perceived (neuromatrix theory)
neuromatrix theory is ____to gate theory
free nerve endings throughout the body
-sense chemical, thermal, mechanical stimuli
_____of nociceptors leads to differnces in pain sensitivity
uneven distribuation
-why fingertips are more sensitive than back, skin more sensnitve than internal organs
A-delta fibers
-lightly mylinated
-transmit sharp , well localized pain
-respond to exteme mechanical and thermal stimulation
C fibers
-transmit dull, aching, throbbing, burning pain
-respond to mechanical, thermal and chemical stimulation
A-beta fibers
-transmit touch and vibration
-do not perceive pain BUT play a role in pain modulation
nociceptor activation can be ___ or ___
direct, indirect
Direct excitation
threshold depolarization
-initiated by heat, radiation, toxins, tissue trauma
indirect excitation
tissue injury causes inflammation
-release of inflammatory mediators that cause pain
-prostaglandins, bradykinis, hisamine, leukotrenes
from nociception to pain
once nociceptors activated, signal undergoes many steps
-transmission (from periphery to brain)
-perception (awareness of pain)
-modulation (CNS to periphery)
Transmission occurs along a sequence of neurons
primary-> secondary-> third
primary- order neurons (periphery)
-pain-transmitting sensory neurons, A delta and C
-cell bodies located in gray matter of spinal cord : dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
-synapse on second-order neurons
second-order neurons (think spinal cord)
-gray matter of the spinal cord
-second-order neurons are interneurons
excitatory interneurons
relay transmission to projection neurons -> thalamus
inhibitory neurons
modulate pain transmission
synapse between primary and second-order neurons is _____
pain gate
third order neurons (think thalamus)
thalamus is major relay center for sensory info
-third-order neurons begin in thalamus
-project to portions of cortex involved in processing and interpreting pain signal
extensive corticol network that handles pain signals is called the
“pain matrix”