Pain Flashcards
Pain is subjective
Pain is whatever the person experiencing it says it is and exists whenever they say if does
Unpleasant feeling to the body (affects physical and emotional parts of the body)
Pain threshold
Amount of stimulation someone can handle before saying “I hurt” or “I have pain”
What does the pain feel like? Let them offer the info.
Pain intensity scale
0: no pain
1-3: mild pain
4-6: moderate pain
7-10: severe pain
Provoked it?
What caused the pain? What makes it better?
Where is the pain? Is it always in that one spot or does it spread?
What is the intensity of pain on a pain scale?
When did it start? How often does it last??does it come and go or is it continuos
Pain tolerance
Intensity of pain one will endure
Acute pain
Cause is known and treatable. Temporary, rapid onset. And has a short duration, pain is specific and localized
Chronic pain
Most chronic pain is neuropathic, results from nerve damage.. Causes may be unknown. Treatment may not be helpful. Develops slowly. Pain is nonspecific and generalized.
Physical in origin
Emotional origin
Constant, resistant to treatment
Comes and goes
Visceral origin. Occurs away from site of origin or problem