PAI Scales Flashcards
ICN: Inconsistency
Reflects consistency with which the respondent completed items with similar content; below 64t (low) consistent responding; 64t-73t (moderate) some inconsistency; at or above 73t (High) did not attend consistently
INF: Infrequency
Completion of PAI in an atypical way, random responding (items should be answered similarly by everyone); below 60t (low) attended appropriately to item content; 60t-75t (Moderate) some unusual responses to INF items; at or above 75t (High) respondent did not attend appropriately to item content
NIM: Negative Impression
Presenting as more pathological and/or more negative; below 73t (Low) little distortion; between 73t-84t (Moderate) element of exaggeration of complaints and problems; at or above 92t attempted to portray themselves in an especially negative manner
Malingering Index
simulation of a mental disorder; scores at or above 3 raise questions of overt efforts to malinger more severe mental disorder; scores at or above 5 are highly unusual and tend only to occur when faking a severe mental disorder
Rogers Discriminant Function
used to distinguish between real, true patients from those attempting to simulate those patients; scores greater than 0 suggest overt efforts to fake a mental disorder
PIM: Positive Impression
Presentation of a very favorable impression or the denial of relatively minor faults; below 44t strongly indicative of honest responding; between 57t-68t (Moderate) presented in a manner to portray themselves as relatively free of common shortcomings to which most individuals admit; at or above 68t attempting to present themselves as exceptionally free of common shortcomings most admit to
Defensiveness Index
defensive responding; at or above 6 raise questions of overt efforts to fake good
Cashel Discriminant
optimally distinguish between defensive and honest responding; scores above 160 suggest respondent overtly attempted to portray themselves in a distorted way, profile probably reflects the way the respondent desires to appear rather than true self
Substance Abuse Denial
concerning if discrepancies between what is reported and what is depicted in profile
Somatic complaints; complaints and concerns about physical functioning and health matters in general
Conversion; focuses on rare symptoms of sensory or motor dysfunctions associated with conversion disorder; can elevate in certain medical conditions
Somatization; focuses on the frequent occurrence of various common physical symptoms and vague complaints of ill health fatigue
Health Concerns; focuses on a preoccupation with health status and physical problems
Anxiety; nonspecific indicator of the degree of tension and negative affect experienced by the respondent
Cognitive; focuses on ruminative worry and concerns about current issues that results in impaired concentration and attention
Affective; focuses on the experience of tension, difficulty in relaxing, and the presence of fatigue as a result of high perceived stress
Physiological; Focuses on overt physical signs of tension and stress, such as sweaty palms, trembling hands, complaints of irregular heartbeats, and shortness of breath
Anxiety-related disorders; a measure of the extent of behavioral expression of anxiety
Obsessive-compulsive; focuses on intrusive thoughts or behaviors, rigidity, indecision, perfectionism, and affective constriction
Phobias; focuses on common phobic fears, such as social situations, public transportation, heights, enclosed spaces, or other specific objects
Traumatic Stress; Focuses on the experience of traumatic events that cause continuing distress and that are experienced as having left the client changed or damaged in some fundamental way
Depression; indicates broad spectrum of diagnostic depressive symptomology; unhappiness or distress; sensitive, pessimistic, and prone to self-doubt
Cognitive; Focuses on thoughts of worthlessness, hopelessness, and personal failure as well as indecisiveness and difficulties in concentration
Affective; Focuses on feeling of sadness, loss of interest in normal activities, and anhedonia
Physiological; focuses on level of physical functioning, activity, and energy, including disturbance in sleep pattern, change in appetite and weight loss
Mania; Focuses on affective, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms of mania and hypomania
Activity Level; focuses on overinvolvement in a wide variety of activities in a somewhat disorganized manner and the experience of accelerated thought processes and behavior
Grandiosity; focuses on inflated self-esteem. expansiveness, and the belief that one has special and unique skills or talents
Irritability; focuses on the presence of strained relationships due to the respondent’s frustration with the inability or unwillingness of others to keep up with their plans, demands and possibly unrealistic ideas
Paranoia; focuses on symptoms and enduring characteristics of paranoia
Hypervigilance; focuses on suspiciousness and the tendency to monitor the environment for real or imagined slights by others
Persecution; focuses on the belief that one has been treated inequitably and that there is a concerted effort among others to undermine one’s interest
Resentment; focuses on a bitterness and cynicism in interpersonal relationships and a tendency to hold grudges and externalize blame for any misfortunes
Schizophrenia; unusual beliefs and perceptions, poor social competence and social anhedonia, or inefficiency and disturbances in attention, concentration, and associational processes
Psychotic Experiences; Focuses on the experience of unusual perceptions and sensations, magical thinking, and other unusual ideas that may involve delusional beliefs
Social Detachment; focuses on social isolation, discomfort, and awkwardness in social situations
Thought Disorder; focuses on confusion, concentration problems and disorganization of thought processes
Borderline; Focuses on attributes indicative of a borderline level of personality functioning, including unstable and fluctuating interpersonal relations, impulsivity, affective lability and instability, and uncontrolled anger
Affective Instability; Focuses on emotional responsiveness, rapid mood changes, and poor emotional control; below 40t can reflect describing self as fairly unresponsive emotionally and appear affectively constricted
Identity Problems; focuses on uncertainty about major life issues and feelings of emptiness, lack of fulfillment and an absence of purpose
Negative Relationships; focuses on a history of ambivalent, intense relationships in which one has felt exploited and betrayed
Self-Harm; focuses on impulsivity in areas that have high potential for negative consequences
Antisocial; egocentricity, adventurousness and poor empathy
Antisocial Behaviors; focuses on a history of antisocial acts and involvement in illegal activities
Egocentricity; focuses on a lack of empathy or remorse and a generally exploitative approach to interpersonal relationships
Stimulus-Seeking; focuses on a craving for excitement and sensation, a low tolerance for boredom and a tendency to be reckless and risk-taking
Alcohol Problems; assessment of behaviors and consequences related to alcohol use, abuse and dependence; ranges from statements of total abstinence through frequent use to severe consequences of drinking, loss of control, and alcohol-related cravings
Drug Problems; assessment of behaviors and consequences related to drug use, abuse and dependence; ranges from total abstinence through frequent use to severe consequences of drug use
Aggression; general assessment of temperamental anger and hostility as well as a determination of the typical modes through which they are expressed
Aggressive Attitude; focuses on hostility, poor control over anger expression, and a belief in the instrumental utility of aggression
Verbal Aggression; focuses on verbal expressions of anger ranging from assertiveness to abusiveness and on a readiness to express anger to others
Physical Aggression; focuses on a tendency to have physical displays of anger, including damage to property, physical fights, and threats of violence
Suicidal Ideation; items range in severity from thinking about death to ever having contemplated suicide to a current or serious consideration of suicide
Stress; assessment of life stressors that the client is currently experiencing or has recently experienced; includes family relationships, financial hardships, difficulties related to the nature or status of employment, or major changes that have recently occurred or about to occur in the client’s life
Nonsupport; provides a measure of a perceived lack of social support, tapping both the availability and quality of the client’s social relationships; addresses the level and nature of interactions with acquaintances, friends and family members
Treatment Rejection; indicates attitudes that could pose potential problems with motivation for treatment; individuals high in this lack willingness to participate actively, honest in self-description, ability to recognize problems when they exist and acceptance of some degree of responsibility for these problems and their solutions, psychological mindedness, openness to new ideas and an interest in personal improvement
Dominance; the degree to which a person desires control in interpersonal relationships
Warmth; the degree to which a person is interested in and comfortable with attachment relationships