MCMI-IV Clinical Personality Patterns Flashcards
Schizoid (Scale 1)
Passive-Detached pattern; characterized by social impassivity, lack of emotional reactivity and marked difficulty experiencing strong emotions (Unengaged, apathetic, meager)
Avoidant (Scale 2A)
Characterized by hypervigilance, mistrust, or fear of others (aversive, alienated, vexatious)
Melancholic (Scale 2B)
Hold to belief that emotional pain is permanent, deserved, and unchangeable (Pessimistic, woeful, worthless)
Dependent (Scale 3)
lack of autonomy and self-efficacy, difficulty establishing a healthy balance of self and other fulfillment in relationships (submissive, inept, puerile)
Histrionic (Scale 4A)
Desire to be loved and attended to at any cost; manipulation and learned socially desirable behaviors work together to help them appear confident and self-assured but need reassurance and validation underneath (attention-seeking, fickle, dramatic)
Turbulent (Scale 4B)
(High-spirited, impetuous, exalted)
Narcissistic (Scale 5)
Ability to experience fulfillment simply by focusing on the self; feelings of superiority, maintain artificially high well-being preventing them from connecting to others deeper; manage sense of self through exploitation and manipulation of others (exploitive, admirable, expansive)
Antisocial (Scale 6A)
Little to no regard for the well-being of others because they believe self-preservation and autonomy must be upheld by any means necessary; mistrust of others and cynical attitude (acting-out, irresponsible, autonomous)
Sadistic (Scale 6B)
Characterized by an active orientation toward inflicting pain on others that is operationalized inversely as a pleasure-oriented motivating aim; satisfaction and pleasure in humiliating others and making clear attempts to invalidate their feelings and experience (abrasive, precipitate, eruptive)
Compulsive (Scale 7)
Based on conflict between hostility toward others and a fear of social disapproval (disciplined, constricted, reliable)
Negativistic (Scale 8A)
inability to resolve internal conflicts, tend to be much more aware of their ambivalence, passive-aggressive, constantly experiencing intrapsychic turmoil; bouts of anger and stubbornness turned to guilt and shame (Irritable, discontented, embittered)
Masochistic (Scale 8B)
are typically competent and capable, but adopt a rigid core belief about their value and self-efficacy; disproportionately self-demeaning and markedly harsh self-critics; undermine their successes (Dysphoric, undeserving, inverted)