Page 5 Flashcards
What are the IFR takeoff minimums for part 91 operations?
No takeoff minimums mandated for part 91 operations.
What are the IFR takeoff minimums for part 121, 125, 129, and 135 operations?
Prescribed takeoff minimums for the runway, or, if none:
■ 1-2 engine airplanes: 1 SM visibility
■ More than 2 engines: ½ SM visibility
What are non-standard IFR alternate minimums?
Non-standard IFR alternate minimums exist and are not authorized due to unmonitored facility or the absence of weather reporting service.
What is the purpose of Departure Procedures (DP)?
Ensures obstacle clearance, provided:
▷ the airplane crossed the departure end of the runway at least 35 ft AGL,
▷ reaches 400 ft AGL before turning, AND
▷ climbs at least 200 Feet per NM (FPNM), or as published otherwise on the chart.
How do you convert FPNM to Feet-Per-Minute?
FPM = FPNM X Groundspeed / 60
When should pilots file a Departure Procedure?
Pilots are encouraged to file a DP at night, during marginal VMC, or IMC.
What are the two types of Departure Procedures?
■ Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP)
■ Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
What does an Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) provide?
Provides only obstacle clearance and is printed either textually or graphically.
What is a Standard Instrument Departure (SID)?
In addition to obstacle clearance, it reduces pilot and controller workload by simplifying ATC clearances and minimizing radio communications.
What are the categories of Departure Procedures based on equipment required?
What is a Diverse Departure Procedure?
Provides obstacle clearance when a DP is not published and allows turns only after reaching 400 ft AGL.
What is a Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA)?
A departure option for IFR aircraft in VMC, allowing the pilot to visually conduct climbing turns over the airport.
What is the IFR departure clearance acronym ‘CRAFT’?
C - Clearance limit.
R - Route.
A - Altitude.
F - Frequency (for departure).
T - Transponder code.
What is the clearance void time?
The time at which your clearance is void and after which you may not takeoff.
What does ‘Hold for release’ mean?
You may not takeoff until being released for IFR departure.