Page #4 Flashcards
How long did Pahse three last?
Who was elected in 2008 and took office in 2009?
What did Obama say his goal was in his speach in Marth of 2009?
To disrupt, dismatle, and defete Al Queda in Afahanistan and Paksiatn and prevent theor return in the future
What is the main diffferance betwen BIsh and Ombam’s plans?
- defete AQ in Afganistan and Pakistan
- prevent thir retunr in the future
Why and Pkaistan?
- AQ and the tliaban are hiding in the Tribal areas
What are the tribal areas?
- These are on the border of Afgh. and Pakistan
- Ruled by tirbes
- mostly muslim fundemintalists
What are the three parts to Obama’s goals?
- Military
- Economic
- Political
What do we need for the military strategy to work?
more troops
What are the three parts to the miliatary strategy?
What do we need to claer the areas of?
Taliban & AQ
Why do we need to claer areas of the Tlaiban and AQ? (3)
- if they don’t have a safe place to operate, they are less effective
- disrupt suply lines, bomb factories, and commeand centers
What are bomb factories?
- # 1 threat to Ameri. soilders
- they make IED’s which are the most dabgerous and deadly
- they can be hidden in walls and on roads
What are IED’s and what do they stand for?
- IED= imporvised expolisve device/ roadside bombs
homake explosives
How are we going to clear areas?
- bomb with drones (romote controled aorplians carrying bombs)
- then inavade with troops
How do we need to hold areas after clearing?
- Use of Afgan forces (new govn’t) critical to this
- US must train and build up Afgan secruity forces to do this
- Afgans cna provide security so we can eventually go home