Iraq war pg. 5&6 Flashcards
What five things were on pres. Bush’s mind in 2002?
- We have been attacked on 9-11
- a pres #1 priority is to defend their country
- we ahve a new defense plan, atatck terrioits before they attck us
- info says Iraq has WMDs
- UN has passed 11 warning letters telling Iraq to disarm and they have ahd no efefct
What is a defense policy?
a defense plan
What does a Preamtive strike mean?
attack enamy beofre they attakc you
What is another name for a UN warning letter?
What does Bush do?
goes to the UN
Why did Bush go to UN?
to ask for help in disarming Iraq
What does teh UN do wbaout BUsh’s request?
resoultion 1441
What are the four main points of res. 1441?
- Iraq’s last chance to disram and allow inspections
- must give a written report aboutall WMDs within 30 days
- must allow inspections
- must comply or serious concequnces
What does the witten report need to sya about WMDs? (4)
- locations & uses (to know where to inspect, location could have changed in the four yaers)
- we need a report even if Iraq says they don’t have WMDs
Why is Saddam not giving a claer awnser on wather or not Iraq has WMDs?
he doesn;t wnat people to know weather he has them or not
What does the word comply mean?
agree, obaey
Does Iraq accept or reject 1441?
When UN inspectors go to Iraq, what do they find?
no WMDs
What is the problem with the inspections that have occured?
UN did not have full access
What impression does it give if the UN does not have full access?
Iraq is hiding WMDs, which means Iraq didn;t comply
What are the two sides to the UN debate?
- War because Iraq didn’t comply
- No war because we are not 100% sure about if they ahve WMDs or not
What was the USA’s argument?
- Iraq did not comply
- No proof Iraq got ird of all WMDs
- UN and USA’s credibility (belivability) is on the line
- Go to war
What is France’s agrgument?
- No proof of WMDs
- Need for time for inspctors in Iraq to be 100% sure
- No war