Iraq wars pg. #9&10 Flashcards
What happens in 2005/06?
things fell apart/ cival war
Who was in power before this war?
Sunnis (Saddam and all of gov’t)
Who is in power in the new gov’t?
Shia/ payback time
2006-2008, who was fighting who?
insurgents & militias
What are insurgents?
radical musliams who do not want decomcrocy (ex: AQ)
Why do insurgents consider decmocracy to be a bad thing?
prefer teacrocy
What are militaias?
privets armies
How many militaias are there in this civsl war?
at lest 23
What are some reasons militais are fighitng in this war?
- political control
- control of oil
- miltary control
Who all is fighting in this Cival War?
insurgents, militas, AQ, USA, New Iraq gov’t, Sunni, Shia
Why are the Sunni and Shia fighting aganist each other?
Shia were desciminated gainst, now with new gov’t Shia are in charge and Sunni are afrid if reveng
What are the three reasons things started to improve?
- surge
- sunni awakining
- intel & tehcnology
What happend during the sugre?
gen. David Petreaus got 30,000 more US troops sent to Iraq
What did the surge help with?
protloing the streest to kept fighting sides at bay
What did the Sunni do in their awakeinnig?
stop supproting AQ and started suproting US
Why did Sunni change sides?
- Aq was too radical, they were killing more muslams than Americans
What are the Sons of Iraq?
an allience made up of Sunni tribel laeders (the leaders of the Sunni)
What did the US do to get the Sons of Iraq on their side. get them to give info?
How did we get info about AQ?
Sons of Iraq
What weapon did we use to help us in the war?