Page 3 Flashcards
1) Canada was hailed as the “Great Dominion” by the ___________ .
Poets and Songwriters
2) Till which year slavery was legal in America?
3) The tragic events of mid-18th century did not allow the Acadian culture to survive. (T/F)
4) The British North America Act was signed in the year _______.
5) Majority of the Canadian population regard themselves as _________ .
6) Maritime Provinces is the place where the Acadians started settling in from the year ______ .
7) What is the estimated percentage of people speaking Chinese at home in Toronto_______
8) As of date what is the approx figure of Francophones existing in Canada?
7 million
9) What is the approximate figure of Francophones living in Canada outside Quebec?
1 million
10) Which period of the Canadian history experienced maximum deportation of large number of Acadians during the war between France and Britain?
1755 and 1763
11) In which year in Ottawa, a statement of apology was formally read to the former aboriginal students of Residential schools?
12) Royal Proclamation of 1763 was signed by________ .
King George III
13) What percentage of people in Vancouver speaks Chinese at home?
14) The approximate number of Anglo-Quebecers in Canada are ______
1 million
15) Which among the following is the official bilingual province in Canada?
New Brunswick
16) Maximum number of immigrants to have come to Canada since 1970 are from _____ .
Asian countries
17) During the war Acadians deported from France and Britain from their homeland figure out to be more than _________ .
More than two thirds
18) What is the approximate figure of Quebecers who are the descendants of French settlers?
19) What is the estimated number of communities of First Nations people living in Canada half of which are living in reserve land?
600 communities
20) Most Canadians were born _______
In this Country