Page 11 Flashcards
1) In which year voting rights were granted to the Aboriginal people?
2) What was the name of the Nazi German refugee who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry?
Gerhard Herzberg
3) What do the Canadians normally wear on the Remembrance Day?
A red poppy
4) Old Age Security is implemented from the year ________ .
5) Beginning of which war was based on the various liberated Eastern European countries becoming the main part of the bloc controlling communist?
The Cold War
6) Who is known as the greatest living Canadian?
Dr. Wilder Penfield
7) For facilitating research work of which of the following, fund is raised by Marathon of Hope?
Cancer research
8) What are the people regarded as who played major role in the formation of Canada?
The Fathers of Confederation
9) Equality of Gender is not believed by the Canadians.
10) Name the person by whom Thomas Edison bought the patent for electric light bulb?
Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward
11) Which treaties opened up the world’s restrictive trading policies during the Depression period?
The GATT, now WTO
12) Which of the following is invented by Alexander Graham Bell?
13) What is the name of the Team who developed painting style of rugged wilderness landscapes?
Group of Seven
14) In which field has Donovan Bailey gained popularity in?
A world record sprinter and downing
15) Wayne Gretzky played for Edmonton Oilers from 1988 to 2000.
16) Who was the inventor of Snowmobile?
Joseph Armand Bombardier
17) In which year the Canadian women were awarded the right of voting in federal election?
18) Who is the name of the popular Canadian artist who painted the West coast forest and Aboriginal artefacts?
Emily Carr
19) Who was the founder of Marathon of Hope?
Terry Fox
20) Battle of Leliefontein and the Battle of Paardeberg were fought in __________.
South African War