Page 20 Flashcards
1) What was the population of Canada in 2013?
35.16 million
2) Where in the rocky mountain is the world famous Louse Lake located?
3) What is the combined population of the three territories of Canada?
4) In which of the following provinces Aboriginal population is largest?
5) Where is Confederation Bridge located?
Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.)
6) In 1870 entire Northwest Territories were originally made up of _______ .
Rupert�s Land and the North-West
7) Which among the following is the busiest and largest port of the Canada?
8) The three oceans that line the Canada’s frontiers are
Atlantic ocean in the East, Pacific in the west and Arctic on the North.
9) The state Alberta was named after which of the following personalities?
Queen Victoria�s fourth daughter
10) Which is the most populous province among the Prairie Provinces?
11) What is the name of national capital of Canada?
12) Where is the principal of Francophone Acadian Centre
Moncton, New Brunswick
13) More than three quarters of people in Quebec speak French as their first language.
14) Which state of Canada is largest producer of Oil and Gas?
15) Northern region is also called as the
“The Land of the Midnight Sun”
16) More than half of the population of Northwest Territories is Aboriginal.(T/F)
17) In which place more than 50% of the population of Canada used to live?
the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Lowlands
18) What is the status of Canada with respect to its dimension?
the second largest country on earth
19) Which is the most popular city of Manitoba?
20) How many provinces together constitutes the Atlantic Provinces?