Page 2 Notes Flashcards
Who left the Cape after the Great Trek of 1830
Dutch settlers and they settled in Transvaal and the Orange State. They later became known as the Boers
Where did the Board settle with who as their what?
They settled in the interior with the indigenous people as their labourers,tenants or sharecroppers
What did they say up and who did it dominate
They set up their own reuplic which dominated indigenous populations
When did British recognize the South African Republic(Transvaal) and the Orange Free State
Transvaal in 1852 and Orange Free State in 1854
Where did most African people live in 1840 and from 1840 what happened to some African societies
Most people lived in independent kingdoms and from 1840 some African societies became invomved in migrant labour
Where did young men go to work and what was the reason
They went to work on farms I’m the Cape Colony and in Natal
Their main reason was to earn money sothey could buy guns,cattle and pay lobola
When did migrant labour become more widespread
After diamonds were founf I’m Kimberley and gold on the Witswatersrand
Where were Africans coerced to work and why
On the mines rather than on farms as farms paid higher wages
Who orov8ded the majority of unskilled labour on mines?
Africans and they were exploited and worked under extreme conditions
Who were the capitalists
Rich mine owners who exploited resources and black South Africans for they labour
They had money needed to run a mine on the Witswatersrand
What were the capitalists concerned with and was one of those people
Concerned with making money and Cecil John Rhodes was one of the people
Which country was the capitalist country financing gold mines
Who were the middle class
Group made up of people who provided services for the mining community
E.g. lawyers doctors merchants
They didn’t work on mines themselves
Who were the working class
It was made up largely of both black and a few white workers
What did gold mines need?what was there a shortage of?
Both skilled aand unskilled labour. There was a shortage of skilled workers