PAG 2.2 Investigating Springs In Series And Parallel Flashcards
What safety precaution should be taken when adding masses to a spring?
Safety goggles should be worn in case the spring snaps. Care should be taken to ensure that the load applied to the spring doesn’t exceed the springs’s capacity
State Hooke’s Law in words.
Hooke’s Law states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the load applied, up to the limit of proportionality
Define Young’s modulus
Young’s modulus is the ratio of stress to strain
What is the difference between a spring constant and a Young modulus?
A spring constant depends on the objects shape whereas a Young modulus is a material property so it is independent of shape
How can the force applied by a mass be calculated?
Force will equal the weight of the mass
How do you connect springs in series?
Springs are connected end to end
How do you connect springs in parallel?
Springs are side-by-side and share the load
How do you calculate the spring’s extension?
Extended Length- Original Length
What is elastic deformation?
The object will return to its original shape when the deforming force is removed
What so the limit of proportionality?
The point beyond which the extension and the load are no longer directly proportional
Why must you ensure you don’t add too large a load to your spring configurations?
If the load is too high, the springs may exceed their elastic limit and deform plastically. This means Hooke’s Law will no longer apply. Excessive loads may also lead to the springs snapping
What graph can you plot for the series arrangement?
A graph of extension against the number of springs
How can the strain be calculated for the series arrangement?
Strain is given by x/NL
Multiply the gradient by 1/L
How can the spring constant be calculated for the springs in series?
Given by the inverse of the sun of the inverses of the individual spring constants
How can the spring constant be calculated for springs in parallel?
Equals to the sum of the individual spring constants
What safety precaution should be taken when hanging springs and masses from a clamp stand?
A cover weight or G-clamp should be added to the base of the clamp stand to provide a counter-moment and prevent toppling