PAG 1.1-2.3 Flashcards
What is meant by free-fall?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
An object is said to be falling in free-fall if the only force acting on it is gravity. This means that no resistive forces are acting (or in practice they are considered negligible).
What is ‘g’?
Determining g
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
Gravitational Field Strength (in our case, on the surface of Earth)
Why can the SUVAT equations be used in this experiment?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The SUVAT equations can be used since the object will fall with uniform acceleration. This is because the force of gravity is constant at the Earth’s surface.
When plotting a graph of t² against h, how is ‘g’ determined?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The gradient of the graph will be t²/h. Consequently, the acceleration (‘g’) will be equal to 2/gradient. This comes from the equation s = ut + ½ at², where s=h, a=g and u=0.
When plotting a graph of v² against h, how is ‘g’ determined?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The gradient of the graph will be v²/h. Consequently, the acceleration (‘g’) will be equal to half the gradient. This comes from the equation v² = u² - 2as, where s=h, a=g and u=0.
Describe how an electromagnet system can be used to determine ‘g’.
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
A magnetic ball bearing can be released by an electromagnet clamped at a known height. The timing system starts when the electromagnet is switched off, and the timer is stopped when the ball lands on the finish pad.
When using a clamp stand in this experiment, what safety precaution should be taken?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The clamp stand should have a counterweight or G-clamp attached to its base to provide a moment to prevent it toppling over.
What safety precaution should be taken when using an electromagnet?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
Electromagnets heat up over time. To reduce this heating effect, you should switch it off when not in use.
Suggest how light-gates could be positioned to ensure that the ball or dowel falls directly through them.
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
A plumb line could be used to demonstrate the expected path of the object. This allows the light-gates to be positioned in appropriate places so that the ball will fall through them.
Why is it advantageous to use a small ball-bearing over a larger ball?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The smaller the ball, the smaller the effects of air resistance. In the case of a small ball-bearing these effects can be considered negligible.
Why should there be a gap between the release position and the first light-gate?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
There should be a gap to ensure that the time over which the ball is passing through the light gate is negligible (the ball is moving sufficiently quick enough).
Explain why this experiment would not be valid if the air resistance acting on the ball wasn’t negligible.
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The ball wouldn’t be in free-fall since the acceleration would not be purely due to the force of gravity. The acceleration would also be variable since air resistance increases with speed, and so the uniform acceleration equations couldn’t be used.
Suggest why your obtained value of ‘g’ may not be the same as the accepted value.
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
- Delays in the timing equipment (if using a stop clock, this will be human reaction time)
- Resistive forces are acting
- Errors in height measurements, such as measuring from different positions on the ball each time
What is the advantage of using light-gates over a stop-clock in this experiment?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
Using light-gates should result in a lower uncertainty in your time measurements. A stop-clock will involve human reaction times.
How could your results be improved?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
You should take repeat readings at each height and then calculate the mean time taken. You should also ensure that height measurements are taken from the same position each time.
How should you calculate the uncertainty in your time readings?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The uncertainty in time will be equal to half the range of your time readings. This can then be converted into a percentage uncertainty.
How do you determine the percentage uncertainty in t²?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
To calculate the percentage uncertainty for a variable that is squared, you double the percentage uncertainty of the variable itself. In this case the percentage uncertainty in t² is double the percentage uncertainty in t.
When plotting a graph how should you determine the scales for the axes?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
The scales should be chosen so that the graph fills at least half the available space. Using numbers that split easily into the
squares on page (such as multiples of 5) will also make plotting simpler.
What is the minimum number of repeat readings you should take in this experiment?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
You should take at least 3 repeat readings at each height. This allows for anomalous results to be more easily identified.
What is the equation used to convert an uncertainty into a percentage uncertainty?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
Percentage Uncertainty = (Uncertainty/Mean Value) x 100%
How can the percentage difference between your value of ‘g’ and the accepted value be calculated?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
[(Your Value - 9.81)/9.81] x 100%
Would you expect your value of ‘g’ to be greater or lower than the accepted value?
PAG 01.1 - Comparing Methods of Determining g
You will most likely obtain a value that is lower than the accepted value, due to air resistance reducing the downwards resultant force acting on the object.
What safety precautions should be taken when carrying out this experiment?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
If any spillages occur, they must be cleaned up immediately. Washing-up liquid is very slippery and so spillages lead to a risk of slipping and injury.
Suggest why light-gates shouldn’t be used when carrying out this experiment
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Light-gates rely on a clear breakage of the beam. This will not occur in this experiment since it is unlikely that the ball will cut the beam. The line of the beam may also be disturbed by the coloured liquid.
What forces act on a ball as it sinks down a tube of liquid?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
A downwards force of weight, and two upwards forces of drag and upthrust.
Describe the forces on the ball when it reaches terminal velocity.
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
At terminal velocity, the downwards forces on the ball will equal the upwards forces.
Weight = Upthrust + Drag
Describe how you should take time readings in this experiment.
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Time readings should be taken at eye level to the rubber bands. The lap function should be used to record the time at each band.
How can you ensure that the time readings are accurate?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
The same person should record the time readings throughout. They should measure at eye level to the rubber bands and must ensure they stop the timer at the same relative position between the ball and the band each time.
Suggest why it may be advantageous to use a steel ball bearing in this experiment.
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Steel ball bearings are magnetic. This means that a magnet can be used to easily lift the ball from the bottom of the liquid after each run.
How should the bands be positioned on the tube?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Each pair of bands should be positioned sufficiently far apart so that the time intervals between each are easily observable and measurable.
How can the density of the liquid in the measuring cylinder be determined?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Use a mass balance to measure the mass of the empty cylinder. Add the liquid and subtract the first mass measurement from the new mass to obtain the mass of the liquid. Divide this by the volume of liquid to obtain density.
How can the average speed in each interval be calculated?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
Measure the distance between the two bands that make up the interval. Divide this by the time taken for the ball to travel between the two bands.
How can the terminal velocity be obtained from a velocity-time graph?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
When the ball reaches terminal velocity, the velocity-time graph should level off. The velocity at which it levels off at is the terminal velocity.
How should you plot the data you obtain on a graph?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
The data should be plotted on a velocity against cumulative time graph. This should result in a smooth curve.
How can the displacement of the ball be determined from a velocity-time graph?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
The displacement of the ball is given by the area under the velocity-time graph.
What equation can be used to determine the viscosity of the liquid?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
How can the radius of a small ball be measured?
PAG 01.2 - Investigating Terminal Velocity
A screw gauge micrometer can be used to measure the diameter of the ball. This can then be halved to give the radius.
What is an interrupt card?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
An interrupt card is a length of card of a known length. It is attached to a moving object at the height of the light-gates, and cuts the light-beam as it passes through them.
How can the initial velocity be calculated from the data recorded by the light-gate?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
The light-gate will record the time taken for the interrupt card to pass through. The length of the interrupt card can be divided by the time to obtain the velocity.
Where should the light-gate be set-up in this experiment and what does it record?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
The light-gate should be positioned at the start of the metre ruler, so that it can measure the initial speed of the block.
When pushing the block, why must you release it before it passes through the light-gate?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
If you are still applying a force as it passes through the light-gate, it will cause the block to accelerate. This will result in an inaccurate initial speed measurement.
Why does the block eventually come to a stop?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
The block comes to a stop due to the frictional force acting between the block and the surface.
Describe the energy transfer that takes place in this experiment.
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
The kinetic energy of the block is converted into thermal energy as work is done against friction.
Write an energy balance equation for this experiment.
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
½ mv² = Fd
Kinetic Energy = Work Done against Friction
What assumption about friction do we make in this experiment?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
We assume that the frictional force is constant across the distance travelled. This is a fair assumption due to the relatively low speeds.
What is the relationship between stopping distance and initial velocity?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
v² ∝ d
Predict how the stopping distance of the block will change when its initial velocity is doubled.
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
v² ∝ d
This relationship suggests that when the initial velocity is doubled, the stopping distance will quadruple.
Why is it important that the material of the block, and the surface along which it slides, is the same throughout the experiment?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
The two surfaces must remain the same so that the frictional force doesn’t change throughout the experiment.
What graph should be plotted with the data obtained from this experiment?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
A graph of stopping distance against velocity squared should be plotted. Since the two quantities are directly proportional, this should form a straight line that passes through the origin.
Why can repeat readings not be taken when carrying out this experiment?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
Repeat readings cannot be taken since it will be difficult to achieve the same exact initial velocity each time.
Why may it be advantageous to the plot the data points as you carry out the experiment?
PAG 01.3 - Investigating Initial Speed and Stopping Distance
By plotting as you carry out the experiment, you can quickly spot an anomalous result, and take another recording around the same velocity to replace it.
Define Young’s Modulus.
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The Young’s Modulus of a material its ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain. It is a measure of a material’s stiffness.
How is stress calculated?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Stress = Force / Cross-Sectional Area
How is strain calculated?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Strain = Change in Length / Original Length
What is the unit of stress?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Pascals (Pa) or Nm⁻²
What is the unit of strain?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Strain doesn’t have a unit since it is a ratio of two lengths.
What is the unit of Young’s Modulus?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Pascals (Pa) or Nm⁻²
How can the cross-sectional area of a thin wire be measured?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The wire’s diameter should be measured in several places along the wire, using a micrometer. The average diameter can then be used to calculate the circular area.
What safety precaution should be taken when stretching thin wires?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Safety goggles should be worn since the wire may snap when under a tensile load and this could cause an eye injury.
Why should the temperature of the surroundings be kept constant when carrying out this experiment?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Metals undergo thermal expansion when there is a temperature increase, and this would change the dimensions of the wire.
Why should a pre-stress be applied to the wire when setting up this experiment?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
A pre-stress should be applied so that all kinks in the wire are removed and the wire is taught, before measurements are taken.
How can the Young’s Modulus be determined from a graph of extension against load?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The gradient of the graph is e/F
E= L/(A x Gradient)
How can Young’s Modulus be obtained from a stress-strain graph?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The gradient of a stress-strain graph will give you Young’s Modulus.
Suggest what has happened if the length of the wire doesn’t return to its original length when unloaded.
If the wire doesn’t return to its original length when unloaded, the load may have exceeded the wire’s elastic limit and consequently the wire has undergone plastic deformation.
How can the load applied on a wire be calculated from the mass added to the end of the wire?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Load = Mass x Gravitational Field Strength
F = mg
What safety precaution should be taken when using hanging masses?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
Never stand with your feet below the
hanging masses in case the wire snaps and the masses fall. It is good practice to place a padded bucket below them.
Suggest how the extension of the wire may be measured.
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
A marker, such as a small piece of tape, could be added to the wire. A ruler could then be placed underneath the wire, allowing the movement of the marker to be measured.
Why is the choice of wire diameter important in obtaining successful results?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
If the wire is too thick, the extension will be too small to measure. If the wire is too thin, the wire may begin to deform plastically before a good range of results have been obtained.
Suggest why a comparison test wire is used when conducting this experiment using Searle’s apparatus.
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
A comparison wire is included so that any changes in the environmental conditions, such as a change in temperature, are accounted for and won’t skew the results obtained.
Why is your choice of wire length important in this experiment?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The extension of the wire depends on the wire’s length since: x=FL/AE
This means the length needs to be sufficiently long enough for the extensions to be easily measurable.
Suggest how the wire may be fixed in place when carrying out this experiment.
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
The wire can be clamped tightly between two blocks of wood at one end. These blocks can then be clamped to the bench.
Alongside a metre ruler, what other tool will help you measure the extension accurately?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
A set-square can be used to help read the extension accurately.
When measuring the diameter of the wire in multiple places, why should you rotate the wire between measurements?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
You should measure the wire in different orientations to ensure that the wire is circular across the full-length of the wire.
How can the percentage difference in your experimental value and accepted value be calculated?
PAG 02.1 - Determining Young Modulus
[(Your Value - Accepted Value)/Accepted Value] x 100%
What safety precaution should be taken when adding masses to a spring?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Safety goggles should be worn in case the spring snaps. Care should be taken to ensure that the load applied to the spring doesn’t exceed the spring’s capacity.
State Hooke’s Law in words.
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Hooke’s Law states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the load applied, up to the limit of proportionality.
Define Young’s modulus.
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Young’s modulus is the ratio of stress to strain.
What is the difference between a spring constant and a Young modulus?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
A spring constant depends on the object’s shape whereas a Young modulus is a material property and so is independent of shape.
How can the force applied by a mass be calculated?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
The force will equal the weight of the mass:
F = mg
How do you connect springs in series?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Series springs are springs that are connected end to end.
How do you connect springs in parallel?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Parallel springs are springs that are side-by-side and share the load.
How do you calculate a spring’s extension?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
Extension = Extended Length - Original Length
What is an elastic deformation?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
An elastic deformation is one in which the object will return to its original shape when the deforming force is removed
What is the limit of proportionality?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
The limit of proportionality is the point beyond which the extension and load are no longer directly proportional.
Why must you ensure you don’t add too large a load to your spring configurations?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
If the load is too high, the springs may exceed their elastic limit and deform plastically. This means Hooke’s Law will no longer apply. Excessive loads may also lead to the springs snapping.
What graph can you plot for the series arrangement?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
A graph of extension against the number of springs can be plotted.
How can the strain be calculated for the series arrangement?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
The strain is given by: x/NL
This can be obtained by multiplying the gradient of the graph by 1/L.
How can the spring constant be calculated for springs in series?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
The spring constant for springs in series is given by the inverse of the sum of the inverses of the individual spring constants:
1/K =1/K₁ +1/K₂ ….+1/Kₙ
How can the spring constant be calculated for springs in parallel?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
The spring constant for springs in parallel is equal to the sum of the individual spring constants:
K = K₁ + K₂ …+Kₙ
What safety precaution should be taken when hanging springs and masses from a clamp stand?
PAG 02.2 - Investigating Springs in Series and Parallel
A counterweight or G-clamp should be added to the base of the clamp stand to provide a counter-moment and prevent toppling.
What is the disadvantage of cutting a hole to hang the plastic from?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
Adding a hole to the plastic will result in a stress concentration when it is loaded.
This means that the stress isn’t evenly distributed throughout the plastic.
What is breaking stress?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The breaking stress is the stress at which the material will break apart.
How can the work done to permanently deform a material be obtained?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The work done to permanently deform a material sample is given by the area between the loading and unloading lines on a load-extension graph.
What is a plastic deformation?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
A plastic deformation is one where the object will remain permanently deformed when the deforming forces are removed.
What is the elastic limit?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The elastic limit is the point beyond which the sample no longer deforms elastically, and so no longer returns to its original shape when the deforming forces are removed. Beyond this point, plastic deformation occurs.
How can the data to plot an unloading line be obtained?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The masses can be removed one-by-one and the extension measured each time.
Why will the load-extension graph not be a straight line graph for this experiment?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
Plastics do not deform elastically and so don’t obey Hooke’s law. The samples will deform plastically and will produce a curved graph.
How can the force applied by a mass be calculated?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The force will equal the weight of the mass:
F = mg
How do you calculate a sample’s extension?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
Extension = Extended Length - Original Length
What safety precautions should be taken when carrying out this experiment?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
Ensure that the masses are hanging over the workbench. Place padding beneath them so that they don’t bounce and cause injury when they fall.
How should the length measurements be taken?
PAG 02.3 - Investigating a Property of a Plastic
The length measurements should be taken from the same point each time. A ruler can be used, and when taking the measurements, it should be read at eye-level to reduce parallax error.