Paeds Percistence Flashcards
When should you US for DDH?
Breech at 36 weeks, born breech before 36 weeks, 1st degree relative with DDH, multiple pregnancy
What is Barlow and Ortolani test?
Barlow = attempts to dislocate femoral head Ortolani = attempts to relocated dislocated hip
What are the major RFs for SIDS?
Prone sleeping, bed sharing, head covering, parental smoking, hyperthermia and prematurity
What condtioin is commonly seen in those with VSD?
What are the first signs of puberty, when do they occur?
Boys = testicular enlargement (10-15 years) Girls = breast developemtn (9-13 years)
Sx of William’s syndrome?
Short stature, LDs, extremley extroverted personality, transient neonatal hypercalcaemia, supravalvular aortic stenosis
Sx of Pierre-Robin syndrome?
Microganathia, posterior displacement of the tongue (may cause upper airway obstruction) and cleft palate
Sx of Cri du Chat Syndrome?
characteristic cry (due to larynx and neurological issues), feeding problems and poor weight gain, LDs, microcephaly, micrognathia and hypertelorism
How should you diagnose and treat UTIs in children?
Clean catch urine sample.
<3/12 = immediate peads refferal.
>3/12 and upper UTI = hospitalisation or 7-10 days cepholosporin or co-amoxiclav.
>3/12 and lower UTI = 3 days trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin, cephalosporin or amoxicillin (return if still unwell after 24-48 hours)
True or false, you should not give antidiarrhoeal medications to children under 3?
False, you should not give them to children under 5!
Consider oral rehydrating solutions or give IV fluids if shocked!
What is the cause of Head Lice? What is the best treatment?
Pediculosis Capitis.
Malathion and wet combing
What is the contraindication to lung transplant in CF patients?
Chronic Burkholderia Cepacia Infection
Which diseases are we concerned about spreading between CF patients?
Burkholderia Cepacia Infection and Pseudomonas Aerginosa
Which medications can you take for CF if you are homozygous for the delta F508 mutation?
Lumacaftor or Ivacaftor
What type of diet is reccomended in ADHD?
Normal balanced diet
True for False, individuals with Pethes disease have a higher risk of OCD?
False, they have a higher risk of ADHD and depression
Sx/Tx of Transient synovitis?
Sx occur within a few weeks of vrial infection (typically URTI).
Limp, refusal to weight bare, groin/hip pain, no systemic illness or fever.
Tx = simple analgesia, follow up in 48 hours and 1 week to ensure improvement
Sx/Tx of Septic Arthritis?
Rapid onset hot swollen and painful joint, refusal to weight bare, stiffness and reduced ROM, systemic illness (fever, lethargy or sepsis)
Tx = joint aspiration and empiricle IV Abx. Continue Abx treatment for 3-6 weeks
What heart condition is associated with DMD, when is it seen?
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Begins in adolesence and is rapidly progressive
What condition does Meckles Diverticulum often mimic?
However there will also be massive painless rectal blood loss
What is the first line Ix for pyloric stenosis and what is seen on blood tests?
Abdo US
Hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic alkalosis
WHat is the treatment for pyloric stenosis?
Ramstedt pylorotomy
Which vaccinations should a child recieve at 8 weeks?
6-in-1, Rotavirus and Men B
What vaccinations should a child recieve at 12 weeks?
6-in-1, PCV and Rotavirus
Which vaccinations should a child recieve at 16 weeks?
6-in-1, Men B
Which vaccinations should a child recieve at 1 year?
HiB/Men C, MMR, PCV, Men B
At what age should a child recieve the flu vaccine?
Every year from 2-10 years
What vaccinations should a child recieve at 3 years and 4 months?
MMR, 4-in-1 pre-school booster
What vaccinations should a child recieve in their teenage years?
HPV, 3-in-1 teenage booster and MenACWY
What is in the 6-in-1 vaccine?
Diptheria, Hep B, HiB, Polio, Tettanus and Whooping Cough
What is in the 4-in-1 preschool booster?
Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough and Polio
What is in the 3-in-1 teenage booster?
Tetanus, Diptheria and Polio
What is the commonest GI malformation? What are the symptoms?
Oesophageal atreasia with distal tracheooesophageal fistula
Inutero = polyhydramnios
After birth = blowing bubbles, salivation and drooling, cyanotic episodes on feeding and respiratory distress/aspiration
How do you diagnose the commonest GI malformation
Pass an NG tube and x-ray, the NG tube will be seen coiled in the oesophagus
What is Gastroschisis?
A paraumbilical defect where the bowel is loose and herniated to the right side of the body.
It is seen on antenatal scans and causes raised AFT
What is an Omphalocele?
A ventral defect in the umbilical ring with herniation of the abdominal contents covered by peritoneum.
It is seen on antenatal scans and causes raised AFT
What are small and large omphalocele’s associated with?
Small (i.e. no liver, just bowel) = beckwith – Wiedemann syndrome
Large = pulmonary hypoplasia
These babies are at high risk of hypothermia
Sx of a congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
Newborn respiratory distress, displaced apex beat, bowel sounds in the hemithorax and a scaphoid abdomen
What is seen on x-ray in duodenal atresia and malrotation + volvulous?
Duodenal atresia = double bubble sign
Malrotation + volvulous = coffee bean sign
How can you differentiate meconium ileus and hirschprung’s?
CF will be picked up on heel prick testing.
In Meconium ileus after therapeutic enema stools will pass normally, this is not seen in Hirschprungs.
In hirschprungs there will also be contracted distal segment and dilated proximal segment on AXR
How long do undescended testes generally take to resolve? When should you investigate further?
Generally resolve by 6 months - 1 year - consider refferal if not resolved by 6 months.
If there are bilateral undescended testes investigate further for the cause (low testosterone) or do orchixoplexy if undescended after 1 year
Which type of inguinal hernia is seen most commonly in paeds?
Indirect! (goes through the deep then superficial inguinal ring)
Direct hernias can occur in premature babies as their inguinal wall is weak
How can inguinal hernias be differentiated?
Indirect = bulge is lateral to the pubic tubercle and inferior epigastric vessels
Direct = medial to the inferior epigastric vessels.
Both are more prominent on cying.
Ring occlusion test can differentiate between the two (if hernia still occurs it is direct)