Paeds - Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Raises head to 45 degrees in prone (lying on their tummy)
6-8 weeks
Sits without support
6-8 months (LIMIT = 9 MONTHS)
8-9 months
Stands independantly and cruises around furniture
10 months
Walks unsteadily
12 months (LIMIT = 18 MONTHS)
Walks steadily
15 months
Runs and jumps
2.5 years
Fixing and following
6 weeks (LIMIT = 3 MONTHS)
Reaches out for toys
4 months (LIMIT = 6 MONTHS)
Palmar grasp
4-6 months
Transfers toys from one hand to another
7 months (LIMIT = 9 MONTHS)
Mature pincer grip
10 months (LIMIT = 12 MONTHS)
Makes marks with crayons
16-18 months
Builds towers
3 = 18 months 6 = 2 years 8 = 2.5 years bridge = 3 years (requires modle) steps = 4 years (requires demonstration)
Line = 2 years Circle = 3 years Cross = 3.5 years Square = 4 years Triangle = 5 years Can copy 6 months earlier
Vocalises alone or when spoken too (aa,aa)
3-4 months
Turns to sound out of sight & polysyllabic babble (bababa, lalala etc.)
7 months
Sounds used discriminatley at parents (dada, mama)
10 months
Uses 2-3 words other than dada or mama, understands drink
12 months
6-10 words and can show 2 body parts
18 months
Joins 2 or more words to make simple phrases e.g. give me teddy
20-24 months
Talks constantly in 3-4 word sentences
2.5 - 3 years
Smiles responsivley
6 weeks (LIMIT = 8 WEEKS)
Puts food in mouth
6-8 months
Waves byebye, plays peek-a-boo
10-12 months
Drinks from a cup with 2 hands
12 months
Holds spoon and gets food safely to the mouth
18 months
Symbolic play
18-24 months (LIMIT = 2-2.5 YEARS)
Dry by day, pulls off some clothing
2 years
Parallel play, interactive play is evolving - takes tunrs
2.5-3 years