Paeds - Endocrine Flashcards
Early onset Type 2 diabetes
< 40 y/o
Has more complications
Typically affects every generation (single gene autosomal dominant)
Doesn’t necessarily need insulin
Diagnosis of T1DM
Point of care FINGER PRICK test if suspect
- if indicative -> SAME DAY REFERAL
Don’t wait for OGTT or HbA1c - kids can decompensate very fast and typically tend to present acutely
T2DM RFx in kids
- Non-white ethnicity
- Obesity
- Deprivation
T2DM presentation in kids
More insidious
Many have acanthosis nigricans (outward sign of insulin resistance)
can present with DKA
Usually OGTT
- HbA1c
T2DM common comorb
Kidney disease
Insulin management in T1DM
- Commence on 0.5-0.8 Units/kg/day
- 50% long acting; 50% rapid acting for meals (10% breakfast, 20% lunch, 20% tea)
- Pen therapy usually initial
- pump therapy if indicated /appropriate
- Fixed doses to start with and then carb counted meals with a set insulin:carbohydrate ratio (ICR)
- Insulin sensitivity factor for correction doses (ISF), based on total daily dose of insulin and 100 rule
How much should blood glucose be tested + which other times
At least 5 times a day
pre-meals, pre bedtime, exercise, feeling unwell and post-prandial
Diff ways to test blood glucose
- Finger prick test
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
- Flash Glucose Monitoring System
Advantages of finger prick test
accurate + no time lag
Advantages of Flash Glucose Monitoring System
Glucose trends, alarms for highs and lows, ‘follow’ facility for carers and teachers, can communicate with pump delivery systems, less trauma to fingers
DKA severity
- MILD – pH < 7.3 or plasma bicarbonate <15 mmol/l
- MODERATE – pH <7.2 or plasma bicarbonate < 10 mmol/l
- SEVERE – pH < 7.1 or plasma bicarbonate < 5 mmol/l
One to one nursing or HDU if under 2 years or severe DKA
- FLuids
- Insluin
- Hourly glucose monitoring
- 2-4 hourly Electrolytes (K+ and ketones)
- Hourly strict fluid balance
- Hourly neuro obs
Complications of DKA
Cerebral oedema
thrombus (viscous)