Paeds Development Flashcards
Referral points for not smiling
10 weeks
Referral point for not being able to sit unsupported
12 months
Referral point for not walking
Hand preference before __ is abnormal
~cerebral palsy
12 months
Little/no head lag
3 months
Lying on abdomen, arms extended
Lying on back, lifts and grasps feet
Pulls self to sitting
Rolls front to back
6 months
Sits without support
7-8 months (refer at 12 months)
Pulls to standing
9 months
Walk with one hand held
12 months
Walks unsupported
13-15months (refer at 18mo)
Squats to pick up toy
18 months
Holds rail whilst ascending/descending stairs
Rides a tricycle using pedals
Climbs stairs without rail
Reaches for object
Holds rattle briefly if given to hand
Visually alert, particularly to human faces
Fixes and follows up to 180 degrees
Holds in palmar grasp
Pass objects from one hand to another
Visually insatiable
Points with finger
Early pincer
Good pincer grip
Bangs toys together
12 months
Quietens to parents voice
Turns towards sound
3 months
Double syllables ‘adah’, ‘erleh’
6 months
Says ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
Understands ‘no’
9 months
Knows and responds to own name
12 months
Knows about 2-6 words
Understands simple commands - ‘give it to mummy’
12-15mo (Refer at 18 months)
Combine two words
Points to parts of the body
2 years
Vocabulary of 200 words
2.5 years
Talks in short sentences (e.g. 3-5 words)
Asks ‘what’ and ‘who’ questions
Identifies colours
Counts to 10 (little appreciation of numbers though)
3 years
Asks ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions
4 years
6 weeks (refer at 10)
Enjoys friendly handling
3 months
Not shy
6 months
Takes everything to mouth
9 months
May put hand on bottle when being fed
6 months
Drinks from cup + uses spoon, develops over 3 month period
Competent with spoon, doesn’t spill with cup
2 years
Uses spoon and fork
3 years
Uses knife and fork
5 years
Helps getting dressed/undressed
Takes off shoes, hat but unable to replace
18 months
Puts on hat and shoes
2 years
Can dress and undress indepedently except for laces and buttons
4 years
Plays peek-a-boo
9 monoths
Waves bye bye
12 months
Plays contentedly alone
18 months
Plays near others, not with them
2 years
Plays with other children
4 years