Paeds CP (Complete) Flashcards
What is the definition of cerebral palsy?
- Static encephalopathy due to injury of the immature brain
- The resulting nonprogressive upper motor neuron disease results in muscle imbalances that can lead to progressive musculoskeletal dysfunction
How can CP be classified?
- Physiologic classification
- Spastic
- Athetoid
- Ataxic
- Mixed
- Hypotonic
- Anatomic
- Quadriplegic
- Diplegic
- Hemiplegic
* Level I-V
What are the risk factors for CP?
- Prematurity
- Low birth weight
- Anoxic brain injuries
* Meconium aspiration, birth asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome - Perinatal infections (ToRCH)
* Toxoplasmosis, Other (syphilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Herpes - Meningitis
- Brain trauma (NAT)
- Prenatal intrauterine problems
* Placental abnormalities
What diagnostic imaging can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of CP?
MRI brain
- Periventricular leukomalacia
What are the orthopedic manifestations of CP?
- Spasticity and contractures
- Scoliosis
- Hip instability and dislocations
- Foot deformity
* Planovalgus, equinovarus - Gait abnormalities
What are the preoperative considerations for a patient with CP undergoing surgery?
- Multidisciplinary consultations
* Pediatrics, anaesthesia, ICU, PT/OT, dietician, APS (pain management team) - Investigations
* Echocardiogram, ECG, CXR - Medications
* Continue anti-spastic and anti-epileptic medication - Optimize nutrition
- Difficult airway
* Restricted mouth opening, poor dentition, difficult positioning, excess salivation - Difficult positioning (contractures)
- GERD/aspiration risk
- Prone to hypothermia
- ICU post op
- Consider chest physio
What can be included in a comprehensive gait analysis?
- Physical exam
- Kinetic analysis
- Kinematic analysis
- Force plate (pedobarography)
- Dynamic EMG
- Video
What are the common sagittal gait patterns seen in CP and how are they classified?
[JAAOS 2014;22:782-790]
- Stance phase patterns
- Normal
- Jump Gait
- Characteristics = loss of heel strike at initial contact and toe contact pattern for duration of stance phase
- Subdivisions:
True equinus = plantarflexion relative to the tibia
- Subdivisions:
- Normal knee/hip
- Extended knee/hip
- Flexed knee/hip
- Subdivisions:
- Apparent equinus = normal alignment relative to the tibia with flexed knee and hip
True equinus = plantarflexion relative to the tibia
- Subdivisions:
- Characteristics = loss of heel strike at initial contact and toe contact pattern for duration of stance phase
- Crouch Gait
- Characteristics = flat-foot or calcaneal contact for the duration of stance phase due to ankle plantarflexion muscle group insufficiency + knee flexion
- Subdivision:
- Compensated = knee is offloaded in midstance by hip flexion, anterior pelvic tilt, anterior trunk tilt
Uncompensated = knee is not offloaded in midstance
2. Swing phase patterns
- Subdivision:
- Characteristics = flat-foot or calcaneal contact for the duration of stance phase due to ankle plantarflexion muscle group insufficiency + knee flexion
- Normal
- Stiff Gait
- Characteristics = limited knee flexion during swing phase
- Subdivisions
- Knee source = limited knee flexion due to spasticity of the rectus femoris
- Hip source = due to deviations at the hip (decreased flexion and internal rotation)
What is the management of each gait pattern in CP?
[JAAOS 2014;22:782-790]
- Jump gait, true equinus, normal knee/hip
- Single level management
- Botox or TAL or gastroc recession
- Jump gait, true equinus, hyperextended knee/hip
* Same as above (spontaneous resolution of knee/hip extension) - Jump gait, true equinus, flexed knee/hip
- Tone management (Botox or intrathecal Baclofen) and single event multilevel surgery (SEMLS)
- Management summary [European Journal of Neurology 2001;8 (Suppl. 5), 98-108]:
- Spasticity management
- Botox injections to calf, hamstrings, (hip)
- Selective dorsal rhizotomy
- Contracture management
- SEMLS – gastroc, hamstring, psoas lengthening
4. Jump gait, apparent equinus
- SEMLS – gastroc, hamstring, psoas lengthening
- Spasticity management
- Direct management of knee/hip deviations (do not address the ankle)
- Management summary [European Journal of Neurology 2001;8 (Suppl. 5), 98-108]:
- Spasticity management
- Botox injections to hamstrings, iliopsoas
- Contracture management
- SEMLS – hamstring, psoas lengthening
- Spasticity management
- Inappropriate TAL or gastroc recession will result in crouch gait
- Crouch gait, compensated
* Often tolerated in younger, smaller, lighter and stronger patient - Crouch gait, uncompensated
- SEMLS, orthotics, physical therapy
- Management summary [European Journal of Neurology 2001;8 (Suppl. 5), 98-108]:
- Spasticity management
- Botox injections to hamstrings, hip
- Contracture management
- SEMLS – hamstring, psoas lengthening, osteotomies for torsional abnormalities or distal femur extension osteotomy
- Spasticity management
- Stiff gait, knee source
* Single level surgical management (rectus femoris to medial hamstring) - Stiff gait, hip source
* Do not address the knee
What are the common transverse plane gait patterns and the management of each pattern?
[JAAOS 2014;22:782-790]
- Internal, single level
* Single level surgical management (eg. tibial rotation osteotomy) - Internal multilevel
* SEMLS - External, single level
* Single level surgical management - External, multilevel
* Rarely surgery (often due to obesity that cannot be corrected) - Neutral, off-setting (miserable malalignment)
What is the spectrum of hip disorders in patients with CP?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Hip at risk
- Subluxation
- Dislocation
- Dislocation with degeneration and pain
What are the differences between CP hip disorders and DDH?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]

With progressive hip involvement what are the resulting difficulties for patients with CP?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
Difficulties with hygiene, sitting, gait and pain
What patients are most affected by spastic hip disorders?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
Severity of neurological involvement (increasing GMFCS level)
What is the femoral deformity in spastic hip disorders?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Femoral anteversion
- Coxa valga
- Focal deformation of femoral head (erosion from acetabular margin)
- Epiphysis becomes wedge shaped and displaces superolaterally
What is the acetabular deformity in spastic hip disorders?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Increased acetabular index
- Posterosuperior acetabular deficiency
What should be evaluated on radiographs in spastic hip disorders?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Reimer’s Migration Index
- Vertical drawn from the lateral acetabular margin
- Width of the uncovered head (lateral to the vertical) divided by the total width of the femoral head
- Normal = <25% at age 4
- Acetabular index
- Angle formed between Hilgenreiner’s line and line along Sourcil
- Normal = <25° in child <5, <20° in adult
- Sourcil shape
- Type 1 = lateral corner is sharp and below the level of the weightbearing dome
- Type 2 = lateral corner is blunted and above the level of the weightbearing dome
What is the recommended monitoring of spastic hip disorders in children with CP?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
Between ages 2 and 8 have two orthopedic examinations per year including:
- AP pelvis radiographs
- Assess AI and MI
- Hip abduction ROM
What is a hip at risk (in context of CP)?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- <45° abduction
- MI >25%
What is the critical migration index?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Femoral epiphysis begins to lose the support of the bony pelvis
- Will not spontaneously reduce
What are the 3 main surgical treatment options for spastic hip disorders?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Soft tissue lengthening
- ‘Preventative’
- Can also consider nonop including Botox, bracing, therapy
- Reconstruction
* Soft tissue lengthening, shortening VDRO, acetabuloplasty, +/- capsulotomy - Salvage
- Castle procedure
- McHale procedure
- Arthrodesis
- Arthroplasty
What are the indications for the above treatment options in CP hip?
[JAAOS 2002;10:198-209]
- Soft tissue lengthening
- Indications:
- <8 years with hip abduction <30° and MI 25-60%
- Contraindications:
- No contractures or spasticity
- >4 years with MI >60%
- Reconstruction
- Indications:
- >4 years with MI >60% and no degeneration
- <8 years with failed soft tissue lengthening (MI >40% 1 year postoperative)
- >8 years with MI >40% and no degeneration
- Salvage
- Indications:
- Painful dislocated hips with degeneration
**Simplified 1 [Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2012) 5:126–134]
- Preventative (Soft tissue lengthening)
- MI >40%
- Increase in MI >10% in the last year
- Abduction <30°
- Reconstruction
- MI >50%
- Evidence of hip subluxation /early dislocation
- No evidence of degenerative changes in the femoral head
- Salvage
- Painful degenerative dislocated hips
- Previously failed reconstructions
***Simplified 2 [Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research 105 (2019) S133–S141]
- MI 10-30%
- Botox and positioning
- MI 30-40%
- Soft tissue release
- MI >40%
- Painless = reconstruction
- Painful
- Triradiate open = salvage
- Triradiate closed = salvage or THA
What are the techniques for each treatment option in CP hip?
- Soft tissue lengthening
- Transverse incision 1-3cm distal to inguinal crease
- Adductor longus tenotomy
- Gracilis myotomy
- +/- adductor brevis lengthening
- Iliopsoas tenotomy in nonambulators
- Psoas tenotomy in ambulators
- Reconstruction
- Soft tissue lengthening (as above to achieve >45° abduction)
- Shortening VDRO
- Shortening is the most important component (functionally lengthens the muscles)
- Subtrochanteric osteotomy is performed
- Femoral head is reduced into acetabulum (capsulotomy performed if reduction not achieved closed – typically not needed)
- Amount of femoral shortening is then judged based on overlap between proximal and distal segments (usually 1-3cm)
- Shortening is the most important component (functionally lengthens the muscles)
- Acetabuloplasty
- Triradiate open
- Dega is preferred as the deficiency is posterosuperior
- Salter is contraindicated as it does not alter posterior coverage
- Triradiate closed
- PAO, triple, (shelf/chiari)
3. Salvage
- PAO, triple, (shelf/chiari)
- Triradiate open
- Castle procedure
- Femoral head is resected distal to LT
- Rectus and vastus lateralis are sewn over the femur
- Abductors, psoas and capsule are sewn over the acetabulum
- McHale procedure (valgus support osteotomy)
- Femoral head is resected and a subtrochanteric valgus osteotomy is used to direct the lesser trochanter into the acetabulum and the remaining femoral shaft away from the pelvis