Paeds confusing stuff Flashcards
What are the school exclusion rules for chicken pox?
At least 5 days from onset of rash
Until all lesions have crusted over
What are the school exclusion rules for hand, foot + mouth / coxsackie?
What are the school exclusion rules for measles?
4 days from onset of rash (and if well enough)
What are the school exclusion rules for mumps?
5 days from onset of swelling
What are the school exclusion rules for rubella?
5 days from onset of rash
What are the school exclusion rules for scabies?
After 1st treatment
What are the school exclusion rules for scarlet fever?
24h after starting antibiotics
Until resolution of symptoms if not taking abx
What are the school exclusion rules for parvovirus B19?
What are the school exclusion rules for TB?
At least 2 weeks after effective abx treatment has started (none needed for latent or non-pulmonary TB)
What are the school exclusion rules for whooping cough?
2 days after starting abx
21 days after onset of symptoms
How does pyloric stenosis typically present and how can it be managed?
-Non-bilious, projectile vomiting increasing in intensity
-Dehydration and weight loss
-Hydration and pyloromyotomy
How does mesenteric adenitis typically present and how can it be managed?
-Viral symptoms
-May mimic appendicitis but no guarding or peritonism
-Observation to rule out appendicitis
-Simple analgesia
How does intussusception typically present and how can it be managed?
-Knees to chest, colic pain
-Red currant jelly stools
-USS (target sign)
-Air insufflation OR laparotomy if shocked / perforated
How does biliary atresia typically present and how can it be managed?
-Persistent jaundice, clay-coloured stools
-Kasai procedure
How does Hirschsprung’s disease typically present and how can it be managed?
-Constipation, delayed passage of meconium
-Abdominal distension
-Diagnosed on rectal biopsy (absence of ganglion cells)
-Pull-through procedure