8. Neuro Flashcards
What is cerebral palsy?
-Permanent disorder of motor and posture development, caused by insult to a developing brain
-Associated with developmental difficulties and epilepsy
-Lesion / insult occurs at any point between conception and 3 yrs
(after 3 yrs = acquired brain injury)
What can cause cerebral palsy?
-Congenital infections (TORCH)
-Genetic cause
-Periventricular leukomalacia (brain injury)
-Birth asphyxia
-Intraventricular haemorrhage
-Brain injury
How is cerebral palsy classified?
-Spastic = muscle spasms
-Dyskinetic = involuntary muscle movement
-Ataxic = poor balance / coordination (rare)
-Athetoid = jerky limbs (basal ganglia involvement)
-Hemiplegia = paralysis on one side of the body
-Diplegia = paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body
-Quadriplegia = paralysis of all 4 limbs
How does cerebral palsy present?
-Poor feeding
-Epileptic fits (neonate)
-Abnormal gait - toe walking, knee hyperextension
-Early hand preference (should be ambidextrous until 18 months)
-Poor growth, abnormal posture
-Delayed milestones, motor delay
-Recurrent LRTIs (unable to cough)
-Recurrent UTIs and incontinence
How is cerebral palsy diagnosed?
-MRI brain
How is cerebral palsy managed?
-Muscle relaxants eg diazepam, botox
-Dorsal rhizotomy (spinal surgery to reduce spasticity)
-Treat complications
Physio / OT
-Mobility aids
-Ankle foot orthoses
-Speech + feeding
What complications can arise from cerebral palsy?
PHYSICAL - muscle spasms, feeding + nutrition issues
SOCIAL - problems with ADLs, developmental delay, hearing + language impairment
MSK - scoliosis, hip dislocation
NEURO - epilepsy
OTHER - recurrent RTIs + UTIs, GORD, constipation
NB well preserved cognitive function
When do febrile fits normally occur?
-Typically occurs between 6 months - 6 yrs
-Occur as a result of a rapid increase in temperature, typically early in viral infection
What characteristics do febrile fits have?
-Short in duration
-Rhythmic, tonic clonic
-Stiff –> shaking
-Sleepy afterwards
TYPICAL = <15 mins, generalised, recovery within 1h, no recurrence within 24h
ATYPICAL = 15-30 mins, focal, may have further seizures within 24h
How should febrile fits be managed?
-Collateral, detailed history needed
-A-E including glucose
-Antipyretics for fever
-Treat cause (UTI, URTI) - must rule out meningitis
-Admit if complex / first episode
–IV lorazepam / buccal midazolam / rectal diazepam
What advice should be given to parents following a febrile fit?
(-Regular antipyretics)
-During fit - keep them safe, time fit, do not restrain
-Recurrent - buccal midazolam / rectal diazepam
-If lasts <5 min –> GP
-If lasts >5 min –> ambulance
Who suffers from breath-holding attacks?
-Babies and toddlers
What are the 3 main types of breath-holding attacks?
-Provoked by frustration
-Holds breath –> goes blue –> goes limp –> rapid spontaneous recovery
-Provoked by pain (eg mild head injury) or fear
-Opens mouth as if going to cry –> goes pale + LOC –> may have tonic-clonic seizure
-Caused by involuntary bradycardia for 5-30s
-Child starts to cry –> builds up –> becomes silent –> holds breath on expiration –> unable to inhale –> goes blue + LOC
-Lasts <1 min, involuntary, no brain injury
-Improves with age
-Screen for iron deficiency
Are breath holding attacks a cause for concern?
-No - check for anaemia / hypoglycaemia
-If complaining of >1 week of confusion, stiffness / shaking lasting >1 min, see the GP
-Typically occurs with crying
-No association with behavioural problems and no post-ictal phase
What are the causes, diagnosis and prognosis of epilepsy?
-Usually idiopathic - paroxysmal involuntary disturbances of brain function
-Can be from cerebral insult or an anatomical lesion
-Largely clinical, based on description of attacks
-Generally good if idiopathic - resolution in >70% of children
-Poor prognosis in cases of infantile spasms
What are the features of generalised tonic-clonic epilepsy?
-Sudden LOC
-Limb extension, back arching, teeth clench, tongue may be bitten
-Breathing stops
-Eyes roll back
-Intermittent, jerking movements
-Irregular breathing
-May urinate / salivate
-15 mins post-fit where may feel drowsy + tired
What are the features of absence seizures?
-Fleeting impairment of consciousness (5-20s)
-Typical onset = 4-8yrs
-Daydreaming, staring spells often several times a day
-No falling / involuntary movements
-Diagnosed on EEG, good prognosis
–Sodium valproate or ethosuximide
–NOT carbamazepine
What are the features of West’s syndrome / infantile spasms?
-Generalised myoclonic seizure lasting a few seconds
–Can occur in clusters lasting up to half an hour
-Symmetrical flexion spasms
-Typical onset = 4-6months
-Manage with steroids / vigabatrin
-Poor prognosis:
–Developmental delay, loss of skills
–Later epilepsy diagnosis
–Associated with neurodegenerative conditions + tuberous sclerosis
How should acute seizures be managed?
-Recovery position +/- oxygen + suction
-IV lorazepam 0.1mg/kg OR buccal midazolam 0.5mg/kg
–Max 2 doses of benzos, check BG
-Phenytoin if required or last resort thiopentone
How should epilepsy be managed long-term?
-Anti-epileptics following 2nd seizure
-Sodium valproate or lamotrigine (teen girls)
-Carbamazepine if focal seizures
What can cause fits in children?
-Febrile convulsions
-Breath-holding attacks
-Reflex anoxic spell
-Syncope / vasovagal
-Apnoea + acute life-threatening events eg sepsis, arrhythmia
-Infantile spasms
-Cardiac arrhythmias
What is the most common cause of headache and when do they usually occur?
-Most common among adolescents
-Almost always due to non-specific / local infection or tension headache
-More common in girls after puberty
What red flag symptoms are there for headaches?
-Acute onset of severe pain
-Worse on lying down
-Associated vomiting
-Developmental regression / personality change
-Unilateral pain
-HTN, papilloedema
-Increasing head circumference
-Focal neurological signs
-Reduced consciousness
-Recent head trauma
-Chronic progressive headache
How should you manage tension headaches?
-Reassure + elucidate stress
-Minimise painkillers
-Encourage distraction techniques