Paeds Flashcards
Summarise Vit K deficiency
- Ix - coag studies
- Tx: Prophylactic IM Vit K
Summarise APGAR scores
- Used to assess state of neonate quickly after birth
- Appearance (colour of baby)
- 2 = pink
- 1 = blue peripherally but pink centrally
- 0 = baby blue all over
- Pulse
- 2 = >100 bpm
- 1 = <100 bpm
- 0 = non detectable heart rate
- Grimace (response to stimuli)
- 2 = crying on stim
- 1 = grimace
- 0 = no response
- Activity
- 2 = flexed limbs that resist extension
- 1 = some flexion
- 0 = floppy baby
- Respiration
- 2 = strong cry
- 1 = weak cry
- 0 = no resp. effort
Signs + Sx of different visual impairments in children
- Oculocutaneous albinism
- No skin pigmentation
- White hair
- No pigment in the iris (red from light reflection)
- Visual impairment
- Retinoblastoma
- White eye reflex (loss of normal red reflex)
- Rentinopathy of prematurity
- Visual impairment
- Cataracts
- Absent red reflex
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Chronic anterior uveitis
- Visual loss
Summarise ventricular septal defect (VSD)
- Congenital cardiac defect
- Hole in septum that separates ventricles of the heart
- Small = often asymptomatic
- Large VSD = HF
- Ausc: loud, harsh, pansystolic murmur. Loudest at left lower sternal edge
- Ix: ECHO
- Self resolve or surgical intervention
Summarise T1DM
- Autoimmune
- Destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells
- Sx include:
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Weight loss
Summarise Turner syndrome
- 45, XO (just one X chromosome)
- Affects women only
- Sx include:
- Short stature
- Webbed neck
- Primary amenorrhoea
- Congenital cardiac defect in bicuspid aortic valve
- Tx: HGH during childhood + oestrogen replacement
Summarise the Trisomy disorders
- 21 - Down’s
- Flat facial features
- Upward slanting eyes
- Small ears and hands
- Hypotonia
- Congenital heart defect
- 18 - Edward’s
- Low set ears
- Micrognathia (small lower jaw)
- Microcephaly
- Overlapping 4th and 5th finger
- 13 - Patau’s
- Holoprosencephaly (failure of cerebral hemispheres to divide)
- Microcephaly
- Cleft lip/palate
- Polydactyly (extra fingers)
Most common bacterium causing tonsillitis
Strep. pyogenes (Group A Strep)
Summarise tetralogy of fallot
- Cyanotic congenital heart defect
- Ventricular septal defect
- Overriding aorta
- Pulmonary stenosis (RV outflow tract obstruction)
- RV hypertrophy
- Sx: tet spells - acute episodes of deepened cyanosis
- Tx: O2, beta blockers, analgesia. Severe = phenylepinepherin
Summarise testicular torsion
- Twisting of testicle around spermatic cord due to inadequate tissue attachment
- Impaired blood flow
- Sx include:
- Sudden severe unilateral testicular pain
- High riding of testicle in scrotum
- -ve Prehn’s sign
Summarise Rubella
- Sx include:
- Fever
- Coryza (nasaly)
- Arthalgia
- Rash
- Begins on face and moves down trunk. LIMBS SPARED
- Rubella in unvaccinated pregnant women -> congenital rubella syndrome (birth defects)
Summarise roseola infantum
- Human herpes virus 6
- Macular rash as fever subsides
Summarise rickets
- Skeletal disorder
- Prolonged lack of sufficient Vit D -> impaired calcium + phosphorus absorption
- Sx include:
- Bowed legs
- Bone pain
- Stunted growth
- Ix include:
- Bloods: Calcium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase
- Tx include:
- Vit D + calcium supplement
Summarise red flag features of vomiting in children
- Projectile vomiting around 6-8w - Pyloric stenosis
- Bile stained vomit + abdo distension - intestinal obstruction
- Bloody stool + vomit - dysentery
- Paroxysmal coughing to the point of vomit - whooping cough
- Seizures +/- bulging fontanelle with vomiting - raised intracranial pressure
Summarise pyloric stenosis
- Hypertrophy of pyloric sphincter (end sphincter in stomach) in infants
- Projectile vomiting post feeding
- Dx: USS
- Tx: Surgery
Summarise epiglottitis
- Rapidly progressive infection
- Inflammation of epiglottis + surrounding tissue
- Abrupt blockage of upper airway + potential death
- Age 1-6
- Preventable by Hib vaccine (H. influenza B vaccine)
- Sx include:
- Soft inspiratory stridor in upright position
- Tx include:
- Secure airway
- Endotracheal intubation
- IV cefuroxime
Summarise the different rashes in children
- Slapped cheek syndrome
- Rash on both cheeks
- Fever
- Hand, foot and mouth disease
- Blister on hands + feet
- Grey ulceration in buccal cavity
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Scarlet fever
- Coarse sandpaper texture red rash on cheeks
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Fever
- Bright red tongue
- Measles
- Erythematous blanching maculopapular rash
- Fever
- Cough
- Conjunctivitis
- Koplik spots (white spots inside mouth)
- Urticaria
- Raised itchy red rashes
- No fever
- Chickenpox
- Maculopapular vesicular rash
- Crusts over + blister
- Roseola
- Lace like red rash across whole body
- High fever
- Rubella
- Starts on head and spreads to trunk
- Swollen lymph nodes behind ear
Summarise Whooping cough
- Severe URTI
- Bordetella pertussis
- Tx: Macrolides
Summarise Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
- DA (duct connecting aorta and pulmonary artery remains patent after 1st month of life
- Sx: Asymptomatic or signs of HF
- Machine-whirring continuous murmur
Summarise paeds BLS
- Open airway
- 5 rescue breaths
- 15 chest compressions + 2 rescue breaths:
- Infant: 2 fingers (1/3 chest depth)
- Small child: one hand
- Large child: 2 hands (5cm)
- Airway position
- Infants: Neutral
- Young child: Slight extension of neck
- Older child: head tilt, chin lift
Summarise paeds obs
- Birth
- 110-170bpm
- 35-55rr
- 50-70mmHg
- 12m
- 80-140bpm
- 30-40rr
- 70-100mmHg
- 3-5y
- 80-130bpm
- 20-30rr
- 70-110mmHg
- 6-11y
- 70-120bpm
- 16-25rr
- 80-120mmHg
- 12-18y
- 60-100bpm
- 12-22rr
- 100-120mmHg
Summarise HEADSSSS screening for adolescent
- Home
- Education/employment
- Activities
- Drugs/drinking
- Sex
- Self-harm
- Suicide
- Safety
- Sleep
Summarise the heel prick test
Blood screen on day 5 of life
Conditions screened for:
1. Sickle cell
2. Congenital hypothyroidism
3. CF
4. Phenylketonuria
State the common microbes that cause early onset neonatal sepsis
- Group B Strep
- Listeria
- Toxoplasma
- Rubella
State the common microbes that cause late onset neonatal sepsis
- Staph. aureus
- Staph. epidermis
- E. coli
- Pseudomonas
- Klebsiella
Define neonatal sepsis
- <90d age
- Early onset - within 72h of life
- Late onset - after 72h of life
Summarise osteomyelitis
- Bact or fungal infection of the bone
- Sx include:
- Usual
- Swelling
- Erythema
- Ix include:
- Bone biopsy
- Blood inflammatory markers
- Imaging + cultures
- Tx include:
- ABx 4-6w
- Surgical debridement
Summarise stillbirths and neonatal death
- Stillbirth death after:
- 24w gestation
- Before or during birth
- Neonatal death includes:
- First 28d of life
Summarise Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (NRDS)
- Deficiency of surfactant -> alveolar collapse
- Sx include:
- Rapid laboured breathing
- Ground glass CXR
- Dx: clinical + CXR
- Tx: artificial surfactant + glucocorticoids to mother of preterm delivery
Summarise transient synovitis
- Benign cause of limping child
- Inflammation of synovial lining of hip joint
- 3-11yrs
- Sx incude:
- Acute onset limp
- Hip or referred knee pain
- Low grade fever
- Tx: supportive management
Summarise Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
- Early childhood typically male
- Muscle wasting + weakness
- Wheelchair-bound before puberty + resp failure by 20’s (often fatal)
- Hypertrophic calves; degen muscles replaced by fat
- Key signs:
- +ve Gower’s manoeuvre: use of hands to climb up legs when rising from floor
Summarise difference between Duchenne’s and Becker’s muscular dystrophy
- Presents later in childhood
- Wheelchair-bound in teens but survive into their 30’s
Summarise Juvenile Idiopathic Arthiritis (JIA)
- Chronic inflammatory disorder
- Persistent joint swelling >6w
- Key Sx:
- Fever
- Malaise
- Salmon pink rash
- Joint pain
- Dx: exclusion
- Tx:
- Steroids
- Methotrexate
Summarise minimal change disease
- Leading cause of nephrotic syndrome (increased permeability of renal glomerular basement membrane)
- Minimal change to nephrological structures on light microscopy
- Sx:
- Oedema
- Frothy urine
- Follows from viral URTI
- Ix:
- Urine tests
- Tx include:
- Corticosteroids
- Fluid restriction
- Reduced salt
Summarise meningitis Sx
- Fever
- Severe headache
- Neck stiffness
- Photophobia
- Confusion
Summarise meconium ileus
- Meconium - first faeces by newborn, dark green
- Meconium ileus - bowel obstruction
- Indicates CF
- Failure to pass meconium within 24h
- Abdo distension
- Bilious vomiting
Summarise intussusception
- Invagination of ileum (end of small intestine) into caecum (start of large intestine)
- Between 3m and 2y
- Sx:
- Severe colicky pain
- Vomiting
- Blood stained mucus faeces
- Abdo distension
- USS - ‘target’ sign
- Tx:
- Rectal aur insufflation
Summarise impetigo
- Highly infectious superficial epidermal infection
- Staph or Strep
- Infants and school-aged children
- Sx include:
- Erythematous macules that vesiculate (fluid) or pustulate (pus)
- Followed by superficial erosion + golden crust
- Tx include:
- Fusidic acid or oral flucloxacillin
What is immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
- Autoimmune disease
- Reduction in circulating platelets
Summarise hydrocele
- Fluid collection around testicle
- Sx include:
- Scrotal swelling + discomfort
- Dx: USS
- Tx|: resolve by 12m otherwise surgery
Summarise Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Reed-sternberg cells
- Young adults with cervical or supraclavicular non-tender lymphadenopathy
- Dx: lymph node biopsy
- Tx: Chemoradiotherapy
Summarise glandular fever
- Viral infection from EBV
- Saliva transmittance
- Sx include:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Hepatomegaly/splenomegaly
- Dx:
- +ve Paul Bunnell test for presence of virus
Summarise gastroenteritis
- Bact, viral or parasitic infections
- D+V
- Normal D+V management and Ix
Summarise GOR in babies
- Immaturity of lower oesophageal sphincter
- Common in infants under 1y
Summarise WETFLAG
- Weight:
(Age + 4) x 2 (kg) - Energy: 4 x weight (kg) = Joules
- Tube size: (Age/4) + 4 (cm)= mm endotracheal tube size
- Fluids: 10ml/kg normal saline bolus or another isotonic fluid
- Adrenaline: 10 micrograms/kg
- Glucose: 2ml/kg of 10% dextrose
Summarise Ddx for vomiting in children
- After meals
- Large volume regurg
- Gastroenteritis
- Forceful vomit + D
- Pneumonia
- Forceful vomit
- pneumonia Sx
- Acute otitis media
- Forceful vomit
- Ear pain
- Tonsilitis
- Throat Sx
- Meningitis
- Forceful vomit
- Meningitis Sx
- Whooping cough
- Vomiting + prolonged coughing
- Testicular torsion
- Pyloric stenosis
- GI obstruction
- Bilious vomiting
- Appendicitis
How is delayed puberty defined
- Absence of any pubertal development by 14M and 13F
Factors for asthma to be considered life threatening
33,92 CHEST. Any one of the following:
PEF <33%
SO2 <92% or PO2 <8
Exhaustion, altered consciousness
Silent chest