GP Flashcards
Summarise ABCDE for malignant melanoma
- Asymmetry of lesion
- Border irregularity
- Colour variegation
- Diameter >6mm
- Elevation/evolution over time
Summarise alcohol units
- 14 units/week
- Units = (ABVxmL)/1000
Summarise Ix of asthma
- FeNO testing - to confirm eosinophilic airway inflammation
- Spirometry - offered to all > 5y to confirm airway obstruction (FEV1/FVC <70%)
- Bronchodilator reversibility
- If FEV1 improvement by 12% or more = +ve
Summarise cellulitis
- Bact. infection affecting dermis and subcutaneous tissue
- Strep and/or Staph
- Sx include:
- Erythema
- Calor (hot)
- Swelling
- Poorly demarcated margins
- Tx: Abx (Fluclox/Macrolides)
Define COPD
- Emphysema
- Alveolar wall destruction -> enlargement of distal airspaces
- Chronic bronchitis
- Persistent/recurrent productive cough due to mucus hypersecretion
Sx of COPD
1. SoB worsened with exertion
2. Reduced exercise tolerance
3. Chronic productive cough
4. Wheeze
5. Recurrent LRTI
1. Wheeze/crackle on ausc.
2. Accessory muscle usage
3. Pursed lip breathing
4. Cyanosis
Ix of COPD
- Spirometry - FEv1/FVC <0.7
- Checking for polycythaemia from chronic hypoxaemia
- Hyperinflation of chest
- Flattening of hemidiaphragms and bullae
Tx of COPD
- Smoking cessation
- Annual influenza + one off pneumococcal
- SABA (salbutamol) or SAMA (ipratropium) inhaler
- O2 sats <92%
- FEV1 <30%
- Polycythaemia
- Raised JVP or peripheral oedema (cor pulmonale)
Summarise Coeliac disease
- T cell mediated autoimmune
- Small bowel damage + malabsorption
- Sx include:
- N+D+V
- Abdo pain
- Systemic Sx (fatigue, wL)
- Dx:
- OGD + biopsy
- Anti-TTG IgA antibody measurement
Summarise COCP
- Oestrogen + progestogen
- Inhibit ovulation
- Thicken cervical mucus
- Alter endometrium to prevent fertilisation + implantation
State the main contraindications to COCP
- Pregnancy
- SBP >160
- Smokes >15 cigarettes/day and >35
- History of stroke
- AF
- Migraine with aura
- Breastfeeding <6w postpartum
- Obesity (not absolute risk)
How often is COCP follow up?
3m following initial prescription then annually
Missed pill rules for COCP
- One missed pill
- Take as soon as possible
- Take rest of pack as usual
- 2 or more missed in W1
- Take missed pill asap
- Take rest as usual
- Use additional contraception next 7d
- Emergency contraception if unprotected sex
- 2 or more missed in W2
- Take missed pill asap
- Take rest as usual
- No emergency contraception needed if W1 done correctly
- 2 or more missed in W3
- No 7 day break between packs
- No emergency contraception needed if W2 done correctly
- No 7 day break between packs
Summarise EllaOne
- Inhibits or delays ovulation
- Use within 120h (5d) of unprotected sex
Summarise gout
- Accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in and around joints (especially big toe)
- Dx:
- Arthrocentesis
- Synovial fluid analysis
- Tx:
- Colchicine
- Steroids
- Allopurinol if more than 2/3 attacks per year
- Lifestyle changes:
- Reduce EtOH
- Reduce purine rich (meat + seafood)
- Hyperuricaemia meds - Thiazides, loop diuretics
Summarise UTI
- Bladder infection
- Sx include:
- Urinary frequency
- Dysuria
- Urgency
- Foul smelling urine
- Suprapubic pain
- Ix: Urine dipstick
- Tx:
- Nitrofurantoin
- Trimethoprim
State a key Ddx for UTIs
- Pyelonephritis
- Presents with more severe Sx
Summarise HF
- Inability to pump enough blood to meet body’s needs
- State classifications:
- Dysfunction (systolic or diastolic)
- Onset (acute or chronic)
- Severity of Sx
- LHF or LVF (pulmonary congestion) Sx include:
- SOB on exertion
- Orthopnoea (lying flat)
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
- Nocturnal cough
- Fatigue
- Bibasal fine crackles on ausc.
- RHF (venous congestion)
- Ankle swelling
- Weight gain
- Raised JVP
- Ix: NT-pro-BNP levels + ECHO
- Tx include:
- Loop diuretics - Furosemide (fluid overload)
- 1st line: ACEi - Ramipril and Beta-blocker - Bisoprolol
Summarise hyperparathyroidism
- Hypercalcaemia
- BONES: painful bones
- STONES: renal stones
- MOANS: neuro effects (lethargy, fatigue)
- Primary
- Ca2+ HIGH
- Phosphate LOW
- Tx: Parathyroidectomy
- Secondary
- Phosphate LOW/HIGH
- Vit D + phosphate binder
- Tertiary
- Ca2+ HIGH
- Phosphate HIGH
- Calcimimetic
Summarise iron deficiency anaemia
- Low iron -> diminished RBC -> diminished O2 transport
- Sx include:
- Fatigue
- Paleness
- SoB
- Consider colorectal malignancy as IDA may result from GI bleed
Summarise lower GI bleed
- Bleed distal to ligament of Treitz
Summarise otitis externa
- Pseudomonas and Staph. aureus
- Sx:
- Minimal discharge
- Itch and pain
- Systemic ABx (Fluclox/Macrolides) only for Pt with fever or lymphadenitis
- Topical drops for mild to moderate
Summarise pityriasis rosea
- Preceding Herald’s patch
- Single large discoid erythematous patch
- Widespread rash few days later/ Christmas tree pattern distribution across trunk
- Self limiting
Summarise Raynaud’s
- Vasospasm of small arteries and arterioles
- Reduced blood flow to skin
- Manifests as cold induced colour change in fingertips
- Shifting from white to blue to red
- Dx = clinical
- Tx: Dihydropyridine
Summarise common bact., viral, fungal CAP
1. Strep. pneumoniae (COPD)
2. Staph. aureus (CF)
3. H. Influenzae
4. Legionella pneumophila (A/C)
1. Influenza A
1. Candida
2. Aspergillus
3. Cryptococcus
Ix for Pneumonia
- Bloods
- Sputum culture
- CURB-65
- Confusion
- Urea >7
- RR >30
- SBP < 90 or DBP <60
- Age >65y
Tx of pneumonia
- CURB-65 score: 0/1
- Home care + oral amox or doxy if allergy)
- CURB-65 score: 2
- Hospital-base care, 7-10d dual antibiotic therapy with amox + macrolide
- CURB-65 score: 3
- Hospital/ITU care + dual Abx therapy: co-amox + macrolide
Summarise HAP
- Pseudomonas
- E.Coli
- Klebsiella
- HAP within 5d
- co-amox
- HAP more than 5d
- Tazocin
Summarise stable angina
- Chest pain triggered by myocardial ischaemia
- Caused by coronary artery disease
- Sx include:
- Exertional chest discomfort
- Radiate to jaw/neck/arm
- Alleviated by rest <5mins or GTN spray
- Dx:
- Bloods
- CT coronary angiogram
- Tx:
- Lifestyle stuff: stop being gross
- Aspirin 75mg OD and statin 80mg ON
- GTN spray
- Anti-anginal: Bisoprolol (beta blocker) or CCB
Summarise T2DM
- Pancreatic beta-cell insufficiency and insulin resistance
- Sx include:
- Hyperglycaemia
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Blurry vision
- Fatigue
- Ix:
- Random BM >11.1 mmol/L
- Fasting plasma glucose >7mmol/L
- 2h glucose tolerance >11.1 mmol/L
- HbA1c >48 mmol/L
- Tx include:
- Metformin
- Pioglitazone (when metformin not possible)
State the different types of incontinence
- Stress
- Intra abdominal pressure -> pee
- Urge
- Functional
- Urge to pass urine but unable to
- Overflow - leaking
State the 3 types of health behaviours
- Health behaviours (preventive actions)
- Illness behaviour (seeking remedies)
- Sick role behaviour (actions to recover)
State the main types of public health interventions
- Population-level (immunisation)
- Individual-level (patient centred care)
State the factors that influence risk perception
- Lack of personal experience
- Belief in preventability
- Belief in low likelihood if not experienced
- Perception of rarity
State the Health Belief Model
A behaviour change model where individuals more likely to change if:
1. Believe in susceptibility
2. Severity of consequences
3. Benefit of action
4. Benefits outweigh costs
State Theory of Planned Behaviour
Behaviour change is:
1. Driven by intention
2. Influenced by attitude
3. Social norms
4. Perceived control
State determinants of health
- Genes
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Healthcare access
How is equity different from equality in healthcare
- Equity
- Fair treatment based on individual need
- Equality
- Everyone receives same share regardless of need
State the types of health needs
- Felt need
- Expressed need
- Normative need (professionally defined)
- Comparative need (based on comparisons)
State the main approaches to health needs assessment
- Epidemiological (based on data)
- Corporate (stakeholder input)
- Comparative (comparing different groups’ needs)
State Maxwell’s dimensions of healthcare quality
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Equity
- Acceptability
- Accessibility
- Appropriateness
State difference between incidence and prevalence in epidemiology
- Incidence
- Number of new cases over time
- Prevalence
- Number of existing cases at a given time
State Bradford Hill criteria for causality
- Strength of association
- Dose-response
- Consistency
- Temporality
- Reversibility
- Biological plausibility
- Coherence
- Analogy
- Specificity
State the 3 types of prevention
- Primary (preventing disease)
- Secondary (early detection)
- Tertiary (managing disease for quality of life)
State prevention paradox
Preventive measure may benefit the population overall but offer little benefit to individual participants
State common types of epidemiological studies
- Cohort studies
- Case-control studies
- Cross-sectional studies
- Ecological studies
- Meta-analysis
- Systematic review
Summarise Fraser Guidelines
Determine if minor can consent to medical treatment without parental knowledge
What criteria make a disease a public health concern
- High mortality
- High morbidity
- Contagiousness
- Treatment costs
5, Availability of effective intervention
Summarise Bolam Rule in medical negligence
Assesses if a reasonable doctor would have acted similarly in the same situation
Summarise Swiss Cheese Model of Error
- Multiple layers of defence in healthcare can fail
- Allowing errors to pass through gaps
What are the 3 domains of public health
- Health improvement (education, housing, employment)
- Health protection (immunisation)
- Healthcare (clinical effectiveness and governance)
What are the Stages of Change model
- Behaviour change as progression through stages
- Potential relapse
- And different speed of change
State factors that contribute to food behaviours in early life
- Maternal diet
- Breastfeeding
- Parenting practices
- Age of solid food introduction
- Types of food given
What are non-organic feeding disorders (NOFED) in young children?
- Feeding aversion
- Food refusal
Summarise ‘Unrealistic Optimism’ in health behaviour
- Belief risk is lower than it is
- Leading to continued health damaging behaviours
What is confounding in public health research
- A situation where an external factor associated with both the exposure and the outcome
- Affecting results independently of the main exposure
Summarise Wilson and Junger’s criteria for screening programs
- Important condition
- Detectable latent stage
- Validated and safe test
- Cost-effectiveness
- Effective treatment options for early detected cases
What does the duty of candor entail for HCPs
- Requirement to be open and honest with Pts
- When treatment errors cause or have potential to cause harm or distress
State never events in healthcare
- Serious preventable incidents that should not occur if proper preventive measures in place
State common types of bias in epidemiological studies
- Selection bias
- Information bias
- Allocation bias
- Publication bias
- Lead-time bias
- Length-time bias
State difference between absolute risk and relative risk
- Absolute
- Actual risk number
- Relative
- Compare risk between 2 different groups
State the types of screening
- Population-based screening
- Opportunistic screening
- Communicable disease screening
- Pre-employment medicals
- Commercially provided screening
Summarise Gillick competence
- Legal standard
- Assess if child under 16
- Consent to medical treatment
- Based on understanding, maturity and capacity