Paeds Flashcards
Name the 8 BMTs (DEMENT VIC BS)
o D – distraction
o E – enhanced control – signalling with hand etc
o M – modelling – older sibling, video of ideal etc.
o E – empathy
o N – non-verbal communication
o T – tell do show
o V – voice control
o I – information (preparatory)
o C – coping strategies
o B – behavioural shaping and positive reinforcement – use of stickers etc
o S – systematic desensitisation
name 4 Piaget’s stages of cognitive development (Stage Piaget Cognitive Function )
o Sensiormotor (0-2) – can move and feel “what can I sense and feel”
o Preoperational (2-7) – can speak and think “preparing to discuss what I can see by learning to speak” (complex abstract thoughts are still difficult).
o Concrete operational (7-11) – can understand what they can see “what can I see that is concrete in front of me” (time, space and quantity are understood and can be applied but not as independent concepts)
o Formal operational (11+) – can understand what they can’t see “forming ideas about the world”
Total sugars
o Intrinsic sugars (e.g. sugar in whole fruit)
o Extrinsic sugars
Milk sugars
Non-milk sugars
* sugar added by the consumer (cooking or in a coffee/tea)
* sugar added by the manufacture (sugar in soft drinks etc)
* fruit juices, smoothies and pulps (sugars in drinks with “no added sugars”)
Affecting change KSA?
o Knowledge (what to do)
o Skills (how to do it)
o Attitude (the motivation to do it)
Fluoride varnish
(Duraphat): 22,600 PPM fluoride (2.26%)
Fluoride varnish for ages
2-5 yrs: 0.25ml
6+ yrs: 0.4ml
Toxic fluoride dose
5mg per kg
1450ppm actually mean?
1.45mg of F- in 1ml
F- recommendations: Normal risk of caries children (up to 18yrs)
1000-1500ppm (1450ppm is typical)
F- recommendations: High risk of caries children 10-16yrs
F- recommendations: High risk of caries over 16s
Why would you not prescribe a 9yr old with 2800ppm toothpaste?
There is no point in children under 9 years having 2800 ppm toothpaste as the quantity they are allowed to have of the toothpaste is so low (nothing even on the toothbrush). only prescribe to over 10s.
Size of tooth paste age
<3 = smear
3> = pea sized
What chemical can be used in deciduous pulpotomies?
Ferric sulphate
Motivational interviewing technique?
o S – seek permission
o O – open questioning
o A – affirmations
o R – reflective listening
o S – summarise
LA dosaging
- Lidocaine: 4.4mg per kg (no more than 300mg)
o 2.2ml contains 44mg
o Under 7 cartridges
Eruption dates: 6 yrs
lower central incisors
Eruption dates: 7-8yrs
lower laterals incisors
upper central incisors
Eruption dates: 8-9yrs
upper lateral incisors
Eruption dates: 9-10 yrs
lower canines
Eruption dates: 10-11yrs
upper first premolar
Eruption dates: 10-12yrs
lower first premolar
upper second premolar
Eruption dates: 11-12yrs
lower second premolar
upper canines
Eruption dates: 11-13yrs
lower second molars
Eruption dates: 12-13yrs
upper second molars
Eruption dates: 17-21yrs