Paediatrics Flashcards
birth to 10min - action of events
0min - stimulation
60-65% (Suction, PPV, Intubation)
HR >100
–> oxygenation issue
1-5min APGAR score 80-85% (Fi02) (PPV, Fio2) HR >100 <60 --> CPR, epi
- Apgar 2, apgar 3
- Need to reach milestone, same as before
APGAR scoring
Appearance pulse grimace activity respirations normal is 7-10
Transient tachypnoea of newborn
Respiratory distress syndrome
TTN -c-section (not stimulated enough) -term birth, grunting Dx hyper-extended, wet lungs Tx - PEEP
RDS -not enough surfactant -premature infant -Xray - hypoextended, atelectasis Tx - intuabtion + surfactant
Hypoglycaemia -Rule out sepsis -sga, lga, DM, IUGR -Decrease BG, sweaty, tremor, lethargy Tx - Oral, IV sugar (D50)
ICU conditions
- Bronchopulmonary dysplaisa
- Retinoapthy of prematurity
- Nectrotising entercolitis
BPD - premature, decreased surfactant, decreased alveoli
Xray - Ground glass opacities
Tx - Surfactant, steroids
ROP -neonagiogenesis, worsened by increased O2 -Preme, increased fio02 Dx - eye exam Tx - lazer abblation F/U - glaucoma
IVH -ayx, increased ICP Dx - cranial doppler Tx - Decreased ICP, VP shunts, drains F/U - MR, seizure
NEC -dead gut, bloody bowel motion -Xray - air in wall of bowels -(pneumotosis intestinlis) NPO, IV abx, TPN, surgery
Failure to pass meconium problems (>48hrs)
Imperforated anus
Meconium ileus
- Vacteral
- no hole
- Tx - mild fix straight away, severe, colostomy, fix later
- Need to investigate for VACTERAL
- Also US sacrum, xray, echo, cather xray, voiding cystouretrogram, xray wrist
Meconium ileus Path: Cystic fibrosis, no prenatal care Dx - xray, transition point gas filled plug Tx - water enema F/U - sweat chloride test, vitamines ADEK , pancreatic enzymes pulmonary toilet
Hirrchprungs (FTPM or constipation) -Path - failure of migration of neurons -cannot get relaxation of nerves at distal colon -FFTPM withing 48hrs -palpable colon -explosive on rectal examination or chronic diarrhea w overflow incontinence Dx - Xray Biopsy - no plexus Tx - surgically re-sect bad colon
Voluntary holding -pain, embarrassment, cognitive impairment Dx- clinical Stool softeners, behavior disimpaction - under anaesthetsia
vetebral Anus Cardiac TE fistula Eosophageal atresia renal limb
Bilious and non-bilious causes of Baby emesis
revisit this
Normal vomit - After feed, formula colored, non bilious, non projectile
Billious -malrotation -duodenal atresia -annular pancrease -intestinal atresia (all require surgery)
- transoesophageal fistual
- pyloric stenosis
Causes of Jaundice
need further work
Causes of prolonged neonatal jaundice
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
Blood group incompatibility
Bacterial infection
Breast milk jaundice
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
Biliary atresia
Bacterial infections ( UTI)
Hepatitis ( CMV, toxo, rubella , syphilis, EBV, parvovirus)
Choledochal cyst
Cystic fibrosis
Rare metabolic disorders: galactosaemia, tyrosinaemia
Causes of jaundice in older children
Hepatitis A other viral infections eg EBV
G6PD deficiency and other haemolytic disease
Autoimmune hepatitis
Rare metabolic diseases
Developmental milestones
fill i
Genetic defects
Diagaphramatic hernia Extrophy of bladder Cleft lip, cleft palate Gastroscesis, omephaocele Biliary atresia NTDs
Burns formulae for Kids
Face, head - both 9 Chest, abdo - 18 front, 18 back Each arm 9 Genitalia - 1 2x legs - 9 + 9 + 9
Burns formulae for Kids
Face, head - both 9 Chest, abdo - 18 front, 18 back Each arm 9 Genitalia - 1 2x legs - 9 + 9 + 9
8: 16
50: 50
Paeds Rashes
-Erythema infectiousum
Erythema infectiosum - Parovirus B19 - slapped check
Fever + Rash
Measels - (paroixovirus( Rash and fever
-Prodrome - cough, coryza, conjunctivities, koplik
- rash on face, spreads to trunk and arms + high fever
- generalized and tender lymphadenoptahy
Roseola - HHV6
High spiking fever then rash
-Rash starts on trunk, goes outward
Varicella zoster
- Rash without fever
- Shingles (acylcovir, trigeminal nueralgia)
Mumps - pubertal males, parotid swelling, orchitis
HFMD - coxasikle
Infectious disease
- meningitis
- Oseomylitis
- Septic joint
- Skin infections
- Pneumonia + TB
Meningitis - FAILS positive = increased ICP
CT before LP
Abx +/- steroids
(reduced GCS, focal neurological sign, rasied ICP, seizure)
-Cefotaxime + vanc
ENT diagnosis
- Otitis media
- Otitis externa - drops
- Sinusitis
- Viral cold
- Pharyngitis
- Foreign body
- Epistaxis
- choanal atresia (cyanotic w feeds, catheter fail to pass)
Upper airway
- Croup
- tracheitis
- epiglottits
- retropharyngeal abscess
- peritonsillar abscess
Whooping cough
Main causes
Whooping cough - pertussis bacteria (immunized)
Croup - parainfluenza virus, RSV, adeno, influenza
Bronchiolitits - RSV
epiglotitis - h.influenza (rare due to vaccine)
Kawasaki disease
Vasculitits, common in Asian populations
Fever > 5 days
-Large lymph nodes
-rash in genital area, red eyes, lips, palms, soles of feet
-Strawberry tongue
-not responsive to paracetamol/ibuprofen
-Coronary artery anerusyms
Tx - High dose aspirin
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Post group A strep infection
- Rash
- arthritis
- abdo pain
- neprhitis