When are capillary blood gases indicated in Paediatrics?
CBG - provide info pH and CO2 and less about O2
- ?sepsis
- SOB/asthma/viral wheeze
When are urine dips indicated in paediatrics?
usually in suspected UTI
can do if pyrexial with no known cause
When is heel prick used/indicated?
- routine bloods (usually under 1ml)
- metabolic and genetic screening
- glucose and lactate analysis
- newborn blood spot screening
Paediatric sepsis investigations?
blood gas for lactacte levels
blood culture
FBC, CRP, U&E, creatinine and clotting screen
Acute limp Investigations?
site of pain - radiograph/XR
if ?septic joint = aspirate
US - identifies effusion
Bronchiolitis Investigations?
usually a clinical diagnosis
measuring saturations is important
- ?can do throat swab - to identify viral organism
Febrile seizure Investigations?
- LP = ?meningitis/encephalitis
- viral studies = ?encephalitis
- BC - bacteremia
- Brain MRI
- Na+ - ?hyponatremia
UTI investigations?
Urine dip - usually nitriles, leukocytes and MC&S
If recurrent - USS/DMSA - used to assess for damage
MCUG - atypical/recurrent UTIs in <6month
Post-strep GN Ix?
throat swab
ASO titre
IgA nephropathy Ix?
renal biopsy - IgA deposits
Glomerular Mesangial Proliferation
Investigations for haemolytic uraemic syndrome?
- FBC = anaemia, thrombocytopenia and fragmented Blood film
- U&E - AKI, high Cr/urea, low GFR
stool culture - shiga toxin
Investigations in suspected DKA?
BM >11.1mmol/L
Ketone levels
Acidosis - CBG
T1DM Investigations?
baseline bloods - FBC, U+ES, Blood glucose
Insulin/Anti-GAD Abs
TFTS/TPO - rule out any autoimmune thyroid disease
Addison’s Disease Investigations?
U&Es = hypoNa+ , HyperK+
cortisol, aldosterone, renin levels
BM - may show hypoglycemia
Confirm diagnosis with Short synacthen test
Investigations in Neonatal Jaundice?
primary care
- transcutaneous bilirubin measurements
2° care
- FBC, Blood film/group, LFTs, G6PD, a1-antitrypsin
- Coombs test
- Bloods/CSF/urine - MC&S
Hirschsprung’s disease Ix?
Abdo XR = intestinal obstruction
Rectal biopsy = absence of ganglionic cells