Pacific ocean almost covers _ the globe
the Great pacific garbage patches covers what of the 5 themes?
human-environmental impact
where is the middle of nowhere?
point nemo
does anything live in the middle of nowhere?
the antipode of any place on Earth is the point on Earth’s surface diametrically opposite to it.
our antipode from justin hall is
indian ocean
who has jurisdiction of the challenger deep?
what are the 3 type of landforms?
high/low islands & atolls
high islands
life is easier on these islands and have good volcanic soil, good farming
low islands are more common &
have sediment/coral and good fishing
atolls are what shaped
ring shaped and are formed from a rim of a volcano
Territorial Sea
water a state claims off its coast
High Seas
free, open waters
what’s the impact of an exclusive economic zone for the pacific?
big countries can’t come in and claim your area
in the future, maritime boundaries will become more important for what part of Earth?
arctic ocean
3 regions of the pacific realm
melanesia, solomon islands, and fiji
transition zones (final)
papua new guinea, subsaharan africa(biggest), paraguay, ukraine, afghanistan
what region is the most populated?
the solomon islands include…
new calcedonia, which is french & a former penal colony
Fiji is _% melanesian and _% south asian
55, 35
micronesia includes
smaller islands and mainly low islands
where is the heart of the pacific?
polynesia is _x larger than melaneisa and micronesia combined
what does ‘ecocide’ mean?
environmental disaster and societal collapse
how did the Hawaiian islands form?
hotspots formed islands/mountains
what is the largest city in the pacific?
americanization of ploynesian culture
Which direction does the pacific realm look?
Pacific Realm, Antarctica, Southern Ocean cover _% of the world’s surface
Why are claims important to Antarctica?
natural resourcea
why no maritime claims?
the international treaty
why is there a pennisula?
Andes mtns
is the arctic ocean or antarctica larger?
the gradual reduction of regional differences at the world scale, resulting from increasing international cultural, economic, and political interaction
What have been common elements across our look at the realms?
inequality, refugees, national self-interests, growing raw material consumption, urbanization, decline in traditional diets, migration (poor south to rich north)