PACE Labelling Flashcards
What are the components of energy intake and expenditure?
Energy intake: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
Energy expenditure:
Basal metabolism (60-75%).
Thermogenesis (10%).
Physical activity (15-30%).
WHO: Sustained energy imbalance (calories in vs. calories out) is the main reason for excess weight.
What is the difference between high and low energy-density foods?
High energy-density: High fat/sugar, low water (e.g., biscuits, fried chips, pies).
Low energy-density: High water/fiber (e.g., fruits, vegetables, pasta, rice, soups).
What are common dietary behaviors in young people?
Excess calorie consumption from soft drinks, cakes, and biscuits (~40% of total energy).
Frequent access to discretionary foods (shops, schools).
~20% eat meals out of the home at least once per week (Adams et al., 2015; Ziauddeen et al., 2018).
What are the impacts of poor eating habits in young people?
In England, ~40% of children are overweight or obese by the end of primary school.
~50% of young people do not meet the guideline of at least 1 hour of daily physical activity.
Why is adolescence a critical time for dietary habits?
Adolescents begin making their own food choices, often influenced by:
Neurocognitive development (underdeveloped prefrontal cortex).
Self-regulation challenges (focus on taste/immediate reward).
External influences (peers, parents, marketing, availability).
What are the 2015 school food standards in England?
Schools required to offer balanced, healthy food.
Discretionary foods (e.g., cakes, biscuits) still allowed for revenue purposes, contributing to poor health outcomes.
What is nudging in behavioral change?
Defined by Thaler & Sunstein (2008): A choice architecture that alters behavior predictably without forbidding options or imposing significant economic incentives.
Positioning healthier foods more prominently.
Adding food labels.
Increasing healthier options.
How do nutrition labels nudge healthier choices?
Labels promote healthier food purchases and discourage less healthy options.
Interventions include:
Traffic light labels (TLLs).
PACE (Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent) labels.
Colorful visuals or digital advertisements.
How do PACE labels compare to TLLs?
Advantages of PACE labels:
Simpler design and easier to understand.
Targeted to diverse populations.
Encourages physical activity.
Studies show PACE labels reduce calorie intake and are more engaging than TLLs (Daley et al., 2019).
What did Iris et al.’s exploratory study find about labeling?
69% found PACE labels easier to understand than TLLs.
42% said they would often use PACE labels if implemented.
PACE labels perceived as more helpful in choosing healthier options.
What were the results of the Iris et al. intervention study?
Conducted in 13 schools (urban/rural, affluent/deprived).
PACE labeling led to a small but significant reduction in weekly purchases of cakes/biscuits (~11 fewer per 100 students).
Findings suggest PACE labeling improves food decisions in school environments.
What theories can explain the effectiveness of PACE labeling?
Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985): Supports competence and autonomy.
Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 2011): Intention to avoid high-calorie foods.
Social-Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 2001): Confidence in food choices and self-regulation.
What are potential barriers to PACE label implementation?
Mixed findings on attitudes and motivations.
Concerns about emotional impact on students.
Schools’ dependence on revenue from discretionary foods.