PACE Flashcards
Performance and coaching excellence
Employee performance coaching and development shall be performed by the direct supervisor of each employee whenever there is a major employment event. A major employment event includes.
Merit increase, end of probation, 6 months after hire/promotion.
Completed by the employee, facilitates the employee’s active participation in the coaching and goal setting process.
Employee Input Form
Completed by the supervisor with input from the employee and other sources, is a coaching and development plan for the upcoming year or until the next major employment event occurs.
Employee Development Plan
Major Employment Events
Probationary rotation of assignment Six months after appointment End or extension of probation Merit Increase Annual anniversary date
The City of Ontario’s basic expectations for all City staff in the performance of their respective positions.
Approach to public service
A streamlined form that may be completed between Development Plans at the discretion of the supervisor. Includes review of progress and relevant comments/revisions to the Development Plan. Examples are (but not limited to): after probationary practice tests, when development goals need to be updated or modified.
Employee Development Plan Update
Input Form and Development Plan at
each annual merit increase.
annual anniversary date once last merit increase has been reached.
Input Form at 11th month of probation and Development Plan at end of probation.
Probationary employee documentation and due dates?
PACE employee development plan (6/12 month)
Employee Development Update (optional)
Probationary Employee Evaluation Form (BARS) 3/6/9 month.
Captains daily notes
Performance improvement plan
Behaviorally anchored rating scale
Personal attributes
Station duties
Training testing