PA Education, Certification, and Licensure Flashcards
What were the first PA programs?
- Duke University
- Medex
- University of Colorado
- Alderson-Broaddus College
What year and who founded Duke University?
Dr. Eugene Stead, 1965
What year and who founded Medex?
Dr. Richard Smith, 1969
What year and who founded University of Colorado PA program?
Dr. Henry Silver, 1968
What year and who founded Alderson-Broaddus College PA program?
Dr. Hu Myers, 1968
As PA education emerged, the philosophy was to train practitioners to meet what societal needs?
- increase the supply of PC providers
- distribute to medically underserved areas
- strong community orientation
What is an important aspect of PA education growth?
federal funding
What established Title VII funding for PA programs?
Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1976
What 3 ideas create primary care providers and federal subsidization of PA education?
- PA concept acceptance from medicine
- federal funding
- political momentum for primary care
What is the only agency that establishes standards and accredits PA programs?
What does this mission describe:
- protects the interest of the public and PA profession, including current and prospective PA learners, by defining the accreditation standards and evaluating PA educational programs to ensure their compliance with those standards
What are the different roles of ARC-PA?
- establish educational standards utilizing broad-based input
- define and administer the process for comprehensive review of applicant programs
- define and administer the process for accreditation decision-making
- determines if PA educational programs are compliant with the established standards
- work collaboratively with its collaborating organization
- define and administer a process for appeal of accreditation decisions
Who are elected by the ARC-PA and volunteer for 3 year terms and include PAs, physicians, and 1 public member?
What are the 5th edition standards for ARC-PA and is a commonality for all programs but allows for creativity and innovation?
A- administration
B- curriculum and instruction
C- evaluation
D- provisional accreditation
E- accreditation maintenance
What 5th edition ARC-PA standard describes institution responsibilities, program personnel, admissions, and operation/program policies?
What 5th edition ARC-PA standard outlines didactic and clinical curriculum; SCPEs; assessment of student learning?
curriculum and instruction
What 5th edition ARC-PA standard includes an ongoing program self-assessment, self-study report (SSR), and clinical site evaluations?
What 5th edition ARC-PA standard includes provisional accreditation requirements?
provisional accreditation
What 5th edition ARC-PA standard includes program and sponsoring institution responsibilities?
accreditation maintenance
What are the core competencies that ARC-PA ensures are being met?
- medical knowledge
- clinical and technical skills
- professional behaviors
- interpersonal skills
- clinical reasoning
- problem-solving abilities required for PA practice
In PA program organizations, who must be a PA with at least 3 years of full-time higher education experience at the time of appointment?
program director
In PA program organizations, who is usually an allopathic or osteopathic physician?
medical director
In PA program organizations, how many principal faculty must there be?
at least 3
How many principal faculty members in PA program organizations must be NCCPA-certified PAs?
In PA program organizations, who are the members qualified to teach and knowledgeable in course content for assigned subjects?
instructional faculty
How many administrative support staff must there be in PA program organizations?
at least 1
What is the pathway to accreditation for PA programs?
- Site visits: 3 for new programs
**initial provisional: validates, verifies, and clarifies
**provisional monitoring: within 6 months of 1st graduating class
**final provisional: 18-24 months after provisional; review self-study - move to accreditation
- ARC-PA confirms validation visit date
- program completes applications/SSR and submits 12 weeks prior to visit
- validation visit occurs
- program received written report and will respond as instructed
(10 year cycle-have accreditation for 10 years)