PA DUI Law Flashcards
When may BAC testing be done?
2 hours after stop
What are the elements of a DUI?
- operating or physically controlling
- movement of vehicle
- while under substances impairing ability or judgment OR BAC of at least .08%
What factors are relevant to establishing “control” of the vehicle?
- how the vehicle is situated
- keys in ignition
- engine or headlights on, and
- person sitting in driver’s seat
What are the three tiers of impairment for DUIs?
- General impairment
- High rate of alcohol;
- highest rate of alcohol
what is general impairment?
- unable to operate vehicle safely after drinking alcohol OR
- BAC of at least 0.08% or less than .10% within two hours of driving
What is high rate of alcohol?
0.10% to 0.16% within two hours of driving
What is highest rate of alcohol?
Above 0.16%
What is a DUI by a minor?
Anyone under 21. Blanket prohibition.
Summary offense with fine of $100 and 3-month suspension
When can a DUI by a minor be a crime?
BAC greater than .02% within two hours of driving.
What is the BAC limit for a commercial or school driver?
When must someone consent to a BAC?
- Presumed if driving in PA
- when asked by police
- with reasonable grounds
If someone refuses to submit to a BAC, what must the police do?
Warn that refusal will result in suspension of license and that there is no right to speak to an attorney for this
When is a hospital required to take a blood sample from a driver?
- Vehicle accident,
- Immediate attention needed; and
- probable cause of DUI
What must DOT establish to suspend a driver’s license?
- Arrested for driving under influence
- asked to submit to test
- refused; and
- was warned of suspension
What is ARD?
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition
When is a person not eligible for ARD?
Any of:
- DUI in past 10 years
- passenger under 14 at time of DUI
- serious injury or death
When is an offender eligible for intermediate punishment?
- Undergone drug and alcohol assessment showing he’d benefit from treatment
- no violent tendencies
- Would be otherwise incarcerated
exclusions for use of deadly weapons or sexual crimes