PA Flashcards
Which statement describes a successful EHR?
- The customer’s needs were met
What is a goal of the health information exchange HIE?
To allow insurance companies and providers to be able to share data
Which two care settings would benefit the most from employing a nurse informatacist?
- A correctional facility with a clinic
2. A healthcare organization planning a physical expansion
Which two practice environments employ informatics nurses?
- A clinical systems vendor
2. A medical device manufacturer
Which two tools are used to change a clinical workflow?
- Observation
2. Swim lane charts
The Emergency Room staff is hesitant to use the discharge planning module in the new EHR. What is a method the nurse informaticist should use to encourage staff to utilize the new application in the EHR?
- Enlist feedback from staff or users
Informatics nurses support the quality reporting. What are two quality reporting characteristics informatics nurses practice?
- Managing data, information, and knowledge
2. Developing tools and methods.
Duplicate orders cause quality issues in patient care. What helps to resolve this problem?
Providing training and reminders
Evidence-based guidelines are used daily in the clinical field. What is one area of the EMR in which evidence-based guidelines are found?
- In the standing physician’s orders for a sepsis diagnosis
What is an output of systems analysis?
- Technical requirements
What is used to evaluate a health information system HIS?
The EMR adoption model
What are the expected outcomes of interoperable systems?
Error reduction, revenue improvement, and increased communication.
Which informatics competency supports the adoption of a medication administration system?
Change management
What do informatics and computational science have in common?
Both fields are interdisciplinary
Meaningful use was signed into law in 2009 to provide a means for eligible providers, hospitals, and critical access hospitals to use and communicate data to improve patient outcomes.
What is the purpose of stage 1?
To allow the EHR to capture and share data.
Meaningful use of EHR is part of the Medicare and Medicaid incentive program. Which two statements best describe MU?
- Certified information technologies provide the necessary functions to enable eligible providers to be compensated.
- MU is used by inpatient and outpatient facilities.
What is a goal of meaningful use?
To engage patients and families in their healthcare.
What are three roles of a nurse informatics specialist?
- Assists users with functionality, procedural issues, and basic troubleshooting.
- Provides expert advice, opinions, and recommendations from a consultant’s area of expertise.
- Acts as a liaison between nursing and information services, and is both a nursing resource and representative.
What is the responsibility of a superuser?
To support the system in a given unit and assist users with functionality and procedural issues.
Which codes support outpatient billing?
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
Nurses use electronic automation to communicate, document, and make decisions about improving the quality of patient care.
Which system, organization, or regulation seeks to improve patient care through investments in electronic automation?
- HITECH: Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
What is a major benefit of nursing informatics?
- It improves communication among the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes.
What is the focus of cognitive science in nursing informatics?
- To explore the nature of knowledge and its components, development, and use.
What is the main purpose of standardized nursing terminologies?
They allow uniformity and easier retrieval of nursing-related data.
What reduces and organizes terms for easier searches?
- Taxonomic vocabularies.
What describes message format standards?
- To ensure data is structured the same way for the two applications exchanging data.
A provider electronically orders blood work at a laboratory. The provider must ensure the local lab system can properly communicate with the provider’s system for the results to be usable. What is the correct term that would be found in these systems?
- LOINC: Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
What is the mission of the Health Level Seven Organization (HL7)?
To provide a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic healthcare information.
What is technical interoperability?
The ability to exchange the data from one point to another
What is semantic interoperability?
The exchange of data in which the meaning remains the same on both ends of the transaction.
What is process interoperability?
Coordinates systems enabling business processes at the organization(s), and allowing the systems to work together.
What is interoperability?
The ability of two or more systems to pass information between them and use exchanged information.
A patient is being admitted to the hospital, and the nurse is obtaining a medical history from the patient. When asking the patient for a list of her medications, the patient replies, “I already gave the ER information on my medications. Can you not look it up?” What action should this nurse tak?
- The nurse should review the home medication section in the hospital’s EHR to see if the information has been added and reviewed.
A patient is being transferred to a trauma hospital in the area. The current hospital uses a different EHR than the receiving hospital. Which process allows interoperability of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) between the two hospital systems?
- The staff at the trauma hospital will obtain the patient’s Consolidated-Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) via the EHR by the transferring hospital.
When printing discharge instructions for a patient, the nurse notices the physician electronically entered the prescriptions for discharge medications.
Which other form of information is needed along with this patient’s discharge instructions for these medications prescribed?
- A printed document with detailed, supplemental information.
A nurse is to administer insulin coverage, and the EHR is preventing the nurse from completing the administration documentation. Why has this occurred?
- The EHR requires the dose verification and sign-off of another nurse.
What is two clinical decision support?
- It provides clinicians with suggested care information
2. It reminds busy clinicians of items easy to forget or overlooked.
What are examples of information stored in an EHR?
- Patient histories, medical tests, medications, and images.
A patient is receiving an IV anticoagulant infusion. The nurse needs to know when the next partial thromboplastin time (PTT) should be drawn to determine dosing. How should the nurse find this information?
- By reviewing the orders and results.
An end-of-the-shift report is given at the nurses’ station desk, but it is not completed right away due to competing priorities of answering the telephone, limited access to desktop workstations, addressing patient situations, etc. Which action can a nurse suggest to initiate change?
- Complete a time study report comparing logging data at a stationary desk vs using a WOW
What is a gap analysis in the EHR process?
It is a list of features and functions desired, but not immediately available in the new system as identified.
A nurse is creating a patient list and notes there are “< >” symbols surrounding the patient’s name.
Which action should this nurse complete to determine what the symbols indicate?
- Select the legend.
How can a nurse informaticist increase interoperability?
- Promote the use of standard vocabulary for documentation and coding.
What is one disadvantage of nurses frequently documenting in the free-text note section of the EHR rather than within designated flow sheets?.
- Running a report will not yield the free-text note data.
A physician is looking for a patient’s current vital signs.
Which measure is included in the vital signs section, in addition to temperature, blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate?
Pain scale.
Which law or regulation pertains to the privacy and security of healthcare-related information?
Which term is used to describe information that is always accessible for use by authorized users?
- Availability
What is the meaning of confidentiality of patients records?
- A HCP can disclose healthcare information with specific permission.
Which term is used to describe someone who gains access to computers belonging to another person or organization?
A hacker
What is the intent of the 2003 HIPAA security rule?
It sets the national standards to protect individuals’ electronic personal health information.
Which statement describes patient-generated health data PGHD?
PGHD is health-related data created, recorded, or gathered by patients (or family members or other caregivers) to help address a health concern.
A nursing unit uses a medication administration system with locked cabinets to access patient medications. What is needed for secure access?
- A biometric device with a touchscreen that scans the index finger.
What are three types of networks or information exchanges?
LAN, internet, WAN
What describes the administrative safeguard of electronic PHI protected health information?
Restricting access of all authorized users of the EHR according to their position within the healthcare system.
Data security, accuracy, and integrity management are vital aspects of the informatics nurse role.
How does an informatics nurse institute manual and automated procedures to manage data security, accuracy, and integrity?
Monitors patterns and exceptions
Why would the results of a patient report containing wait time data in the hospital ER be of interest to the hospital’s CEO?
The information is a piece of the puzzle needed when the CEO is determining patient satisfaction.
Which statement accurately represents the National Quality Forum (NQF)?
NQF is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization that works to improve healthcare through meaningful measurement.
Which information would be useful in planning quality care for the next shift?
Available critical care beds.
What is an advantage of using the bar code medication administration (BCMA) within a healthcare setting?
It allows for real-time, automated documentation of the administration of the patient’s medication.
What is an effective use of the bar code medication administration system?
Combining it with a computerized provider order entry, a pharmacy system, and an eMAR system.
Which merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) category replaces the reporting program that assesses care provided to Medicare patients, to ensure patients get the right care at the right time?
What are two items that exempt eligible clinicians from a merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS)?
Low-threshold provider who bills Medicare less than $90,000 yearly
Two hundred or fewer Medicare patients seen annually
What is a benefit of meaningful use (MU)?
Patient outcomes are improved
What is included in Meaningful Use stage 3?
The use of electronic prescribing
What are two of the five rights of clinical decision support?
The right time in the workflow
The right person
Alert fatigue can arise when a nurse is prompted to concentrate on important conditions or recommendations based on a patient’s clinical data. What are two consequences of alert fatigue?
- User dissatisfaction
2. Reduced productivity
What can healthcare staff do to keep patient information that has been accessed with a mobile device protected?
Install device updates when available
Which mobile device feature may reside on a device indefinitely?
Text messages
What is the correct order of the system development life cycle phases?
- Designing
- Planning
- Implementation
- Analysis
- Evaluate
Who should a nurse informaticist exclude from participating in scheduled meetings to discuss change control?
Subject matter experts
What is important for a nurse informaticist to know about change control?
- It helps prioritize limited resources and ensures system standards are upheld.
Which phase of implementation uses small groups of individuals to evaluate potential issues that may occur when making a new systems transition?
- Pilot phase
Which strategy is useful when employing Lewin’s change model, when considering a new health information system?
- Involve employees in the decision-making process of the new system.