P2: U1, M5 Flashcards
If a term has acquired too many uses, the term has become ____
Hedonist view of good
bodily pleasure
Humanist view of good
human potential
Utilitarian view of good
greatest happiness for the greatest number
Logical positivist view of good
approval of an act
Kantian view of good
When something went wrong with the intension of a concept
The set of traits of characteristics that members must have to be included in the extension of not sufficient to determine what to include and what to exclude
Antidote to vague terms
If a term acquired numerous uses and each of this use has mutually exclusive intensions, then it has become
If the intension become loose and unclear it has become
This is the effect when a term has acquired multiple uses
Misunderstanding and useless controversies
If both are not aware of the shift in uses, the result is
Linguistic Confusion
Antidote to Linguistic Confusion
Cardinal Rule
Using one term in one way and later use it again in another in the same line of reasoning
Fallacy of Equivocation
Antidote to ambiguous or vague concept is to ___
define them
This will help to avoid linguistic confusion
The remedy for an ambiguous term is to ___ the language games in which the term is used
The antidote of a vague term is to restate the ____ in clear and simple terms
The fallacy of equivocation is committed when you use a term in one ___ and then you use it again in a ___ way in one line of reasoning
way, diffirent