p2: evolution may lead to speciation Flashcards
state 2 factros which cause variation in phenotypes
genetics and evironment
what factor influences discontinous variation
result from genetics only
what is continuous variation and give an exmaple
continous data e.g. height or mass
what factor influences continous variation
environment and genes
explain how natural selection allows evolution of populations to occur
- due to amuttion some organsms have an advantageous allele for … which gives them a selecttive advantage in the presence of a selection pressure
- the orgaisms with the advantageous allele is more likely to survive and pass of the allele to be inherited by thier offspring
- over many generatiion the advaantageous allel frequency will increase
- name type of selection
what is stabilising selection and explain why it occurs
- slection pressures at both ends of the distribution so the middle is favoured so eliminates the extremes.
give an example of stabilising selection and show a graph
example = birth mass
what is directional selection and sketch a graph to show
selection pressure that favours the extreme pheotype
give an exmaple of directional selection and explain why it occurs
antibiotic resistance
what is disruptive selection and sketch a graph
selection pressures favour both extemes
what is disconntinous variation and give an example
discrete categories e.g. ABO blood types
whatis a gene pool
all the alleles of all th genes in a population
what is meant by speciation
the process through which new species aries
desribe how allopatric speciation can lead to formation of new species
- populations of same species become geographically isolated
- they cannot interbreed so form seperate gene pools
- the different area have different selection pressures
- in each population mutations form nw alleles
- different alleles get passed onto offspring
- allele ffrequence changs over time
- when the barrier is removed, the populations cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring
describe how sypatric speciation can lead to the formation or a new species
- occurs wihtin the same area
- mutations form different alleles in the population
- populations become reproductivalyy isolated
- offspring inherit different alleles chnage the allele frequency over many generations
- causes disruptive selection
- populations cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring
describe how genetic drift occcurs and what sort of popultion it occurs in
- occurs in small populations
- by chnace one allele is inherited mre often so becomes more frequent