P1.3 The usefulness of electrical appliances Flashcards
What energy transfer does a radio go through?
Electric to sounds and heat energy
What does the amount of energy transferred by an appliance depend on?
Its power and the amount of time the appliance is switched on
Finish the equation: Energy = Power…
x Time
What is energy measured in?
1 joule is the amount of energy transferred by a…
1 watt appliance in 1 second
What is power measured in?
Watts / Kilowatts
What are the standard units of electrical energy?
Kilowatt-hours (kWh)
How might you be asked to compare the efficiency of two devices?
Through the use of data
What does the amount of energy transferred depend on?
The time the appliance is switched on and its power
E represents
Energy transferred in kilo-watt hours
P represents
Power in kilowatts
t represents
Time in hours