P/S Flashcards
Incentive theory
positive outcomes, negative outcomes
desire for motives/rewards determines behaviors
instinct theory
all desires caused by nature
motivation theories
- instinct theory
- arousal theory (Yerkes-Dodson)
- drive-reduction (primary and secondary drives)
- opponent-process theory (drugs/tolerance)
- sexual
- need-based theories: Maslow’s & self-determination theory: need autonomy, competence, and relatedness (acceptance in relationships)
follow someone else’s request / influence
(salesman, peer)
-not obedience
poor URBAN area made richer b/c rich ppl move in and displace poor ppl and they improve business and housing
demographic transition
economy + demography link
stage 1 = preindustrial - high birth, high death
stage 2 = improving healthcare = high birth, lowering death
stage 3 = improving contraception and women rights and industry = lowering birth, low death
stage 4 = industrial = low birth, low death
Vestibular sense
rotational and linear acceleration
Hamilton’s kin selection
rb - c > 0
Network support
group hug, sense of belonging
Empathy-altruism theory
if people feel empathy, they will behave altruistically regardless of the personal cost
ceiling effect
independent variable no longer influences dependent variable
no emotions in facial expressions
Alzheimer’s symptoms
- forgetting locations of household items
- forgetting names
- loss of initiative/interest
- disorientation about place or time
- changing personality such as less social
- linguistic challenges in expressing thoughts
selective mutism
impairment of speech
intrusion, avoidance, negative cognitive systems, arousal
personality disorders
A, B, C
Weird, Wild, Worry
A=paranoid, schizotypal (magic), schizoid (detached)
B=antisocial (serial killer), borderline (splitting- all are good or bad, suicidal), histrionic (attention-seeking), narcissistic
C= avoidant (shy, isolated, fear of rejection), dependent, OCPD (perfectionist, inflexible)
is considered verbal communication
symbolic interactionisms
interactions influence perception of world / meanings
Sapir whorf
language influences THOUGHTS
linguistic relativity
mean length of utterances
MLU phonemes = sound morphemes = "-ed" "-s" semantics = meanings of words syntax = sentence pragmatics = who you're talking to MLU = avg number morphemes per utterance
suprachiasmatic nucleus
circadian rhythms
superior colliculi
coordinate eye movement
lesion at optic chiasm
at nasal retinas/fibers
lose peripheral vision
premotor cortex
in front of primary motor cortex
plan movement
Eysenck PEN
psychotic (deviance)
neurotic (stress)
Big 5 traits: open, conscientious (impulse control), extraversion, agreeable, neurotic
Trait theory- personality is a sum of traits like those 5
“I’m skilled at gaming”
ability to accomplish goals
“I suck at setting goals”
systematic review
meta-analysis of multiple similar studies
single point in time, like survey
cohort- one group over time- retrospective or prospective
rule by upper class vs meritocracy
social reproduction
social status passes along generations
preserves social inequality
urbanization is associated with…
…a declining birth rate
poverty line
- gov’t set to define the minimum income to be above absolute poverty
- even below the national avg, someone above the poverty line is least likely to be absolutely poor
mob mentality
loss of individual identity in group
leads to antinormative behavior
social cognitive theory
-you observe ppl and their actions and their repercussions and other social things to shape your own behavior
approach-avoidance conflict
-same choice has good and bad elements