C/P Flashcards
Fission: add a neutron (1/0 n)
Alpha decay: lose 4/2 He 2+
B+ decay: proton converted to neutron and positron (0/1 B)
B- decay: neutron converted to proton and electron (0/-1 B)
Gamma decay: emit gamma ray, no change in nucleus
Water redox
Anode: Ox
2 H2O → 4H+ + 4e- + O2
Cathode: Red
2 H2O +2e− → H2 + 2 OH−
Iron rxns
iron reacts w/ acid to form H2 (g)
iron does not react w/ bases or water unless you react with oxygen first (forms rust)
gas law, 0 degrees - exclusively for gases
vs Std conditions for thermo and electrochem at 25 C
Liquid water…
will ALWAYS have ions in solution (Kw- dissociation)
gel filtration column
column = BEADS
=large elutes first
small stuck in porous beads
Electrophilic Addition
adding to double or triple bonds
resisting power
inverse of conductivity
air has a high resistivity, more than water
Electric field- electrons flowing high to low density
- low resistivity env (like water, not air)
- saltwater > freshwater, higher conductance
- detect closer objects better (strong electric field)
Optics - human eye
if an object is at an infinite distance from the eye, the distance between the image and the lens should be the same as the focal length
-object further than focal length= real image, behind lens, at retina
Chromatic abberation
- inability of lens to focus all colors/wavelengths at same point, due to dispersion/varying refractive indices
- mirrors’ reflection is all the same, it just depends on incident angle = no chromatic abberation
A mirror absorbs
less light than a lens
-this makes lens images dimmer
mirrors are easier to grind than lenses
temperature changes affect lenses more than mirrors
Red vs Blue - lens
blue has a higher refractive index
n1 sin theta1 = n2 sin theta2 —-Snell’s Law
Bend towards normal
Light travels faster in lower refractive index medium
ray glass to air: higher to lower n = bend away from the normal
lower n = greater speed
Turn carbonyl into -OH an -CH3
- steroids
- waxes
- terpenes
- carotenoids- conjugated, benzenes
Bases saponify TAG’s
heat does not denature FA’s
Hydrostatic pressure
P = pgh
density * g * h
IR patterns
Carbonyl = sharp peak at 1700 cm^-1
OH = broad peak at 3300
C-H stretch = 2850 peak
many peaks below fingerprint region at 1500
Proton NMR’s
Upfield = right, downfield = left upfield = 1-2.5 ppm = methyl groups
sharp singlet at 9 ppm = aldehyde
*see IR and NMR numbers
Ester + Alkoxy/alcohol
Saponification = R-COOR (TAG) + NaOH -> fatty acid salt
OH- attacks carbonyl, leaving R-COOH and RO-, and alkoxy deprotonates RCOOH to form fatty acid salt
monoester of glycerol
-remove 2 fatty acid groups off of TAG
G and K relationship
G = -RT*lnKeq
Keq = e^-G/RT
Arrhenious equation
Cross linkage
disulfide bonds
Cross linkage
disulfide bonds
constitutional isomers
- move alpha H and DB
- keto-enol
Ecell = Ered - Eox
more negative Ered = better reducing agent = gets oxidized
-in stomach, Fe + HCl -> FeCl2 means Fe gets oxidized means reducing agent = want more negative E