P- Bonding =) Flashcards
Explain why iodine has a higher melting point than fluorine. (2)
- ↑ e-
- ↑ VdW
Explain why bromohexane has a higher boiling point than bromobutane. (1)
- ↑/ stronger vdW between molecules
Although phosphine (PH3) molecules contain hydrogen atoms, there is no hydrogen bonding between phosphine molecules.
Suggest an explanation for this. (1)
Difference in electronegativity between H & P is too small.
Explain, in terms of electronegativity, why the boiling point of H2S2 is lower than H2O2. (2)
- electronegativity difference between H & S ↓
– only vdW between molecules
Explain what is meant by the term macromolecular,
and why macromolecular crystals have high melting points. (3)
Macromolecular- giant molecule w/ covalent bonding
- covalent bonds must be broken to melt
- which are strong
- many covalent bonds ∴ ↑ energy to break
Explain why:
1. a Na atom is larger than a Cl atom
2. a Na ion is smaller than a Cl ion
- Cl: ↑ nuclear charge
- both atoms have 3 shells
- Cl: ↑ attraction by nucleus ∴ smaller atom
- Na loses 1 e- shell when ion formed
- inner e- ↑ strongly attracted ∴ ion smaller than atom
- Cl gains 1 e- shell when ion formed
- ↑ REPULSION between shells ∴ size of chloride ion > atom
Why do XeF4 & PF3 have their shapes,
and how does it affect their melting points?
- XeF4: 4 bond pairs + 2 lone pairs –> square planar
- PF3: 3 bond pairs + 1 lone pair –> trigonal pyramid
- e- as far apart as poss ∵ repulsion–> l-l > l-b repulsion
- XeF4 vdW vs PF3 dipole-dipole
- stronger IM forces in XeF4
∵ ↑ Mr
// square planar= flat–> √ stack ∴ pack ↑ closely tgt
Explain how permanent dipole-dipole forces arise between hydrogen chloride molecules. (2)
- bond polarity ∵ diff. in electronegativity
- attraction between ∂+ on one molecule & ∂− on another
State the element in Period 3 that has the highest melting point.
Explain your answer. (3)
- covalent bonds
- which are strong
- there are lots of them to be BROKEN
- a lot of energy needed to break the bonds
Explain why iodine has a higher melting point than fluorine. (2)
- ↑ Mr/ ↑ molecule
- ↑/ stronger VdW forces between molecules
Why is ice less dense than water? (1)
- H2O molecules further apart
- ↑ space in structure
There are two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom in a molecule of oxygen difluoride (OF2).
Explain how the lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom influence the bond angle in oxygen difluoride. (2)
- lone pairs repel ↑ than bond pairs
- bond angle ↓ than regular tetrahedral angle
Silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) is a tetrahedral molecule.
Deduce the type of intermolecular forces in SiF4.
Explain how this type of intermolecular force arises and why no other type of intermolecular force exists in a sample of SiF4. (3)
- VdW
- uneven distribution of e- in one molecule INDUCES dipole in its neighbouring molecule
- symmetrical molecule–> dipoles cancel out–> x permanent d-d interactions
- x H bonded to F –> x H bonding
State and explain the bond angle in NCl4+. (2)
- 109.5
- e- pairs repel–> as far apart as possible
- all bond pairs- repel equally
In which substance do covalent bonds break when it melts?
A. hexane
B. ice
C. iodine
D. silicon dioxide