Oxygen Therapy Flashcards
When do you give 15L oxygen?
When the patient is critically ill
What do you do if the patient is at risk of hypercapnia?
Aim for 88-92% sats
What does CPAP stand for?
Continuous positive airway pressure
How does CPAP work?
It keeps a high pressure in the lungs which opens up the small terminal alveoli to increase the amount of gas exchange.
What is the mechanism of CPAP?
There is a PEEP - positive end expiratory pressure - which is the lowest pressure allowed in the lungs. The higher value is the inspiratory pressure. The machine forces air into the lungs until it has reached the inspiratory pressure, at which point a valve opens and allows passive expiration until the point of PEEP.
What is CPAP good for?
Type 1 respiratory failure CCF Acute pulmonary oedema Sleep apnoe Atelectasis Pneumonia
What does NIV stand for?
Non invasive ventilation
What is NIV?
This is CPAP with an added push. So the air is actually fully forced in by the balloon bit. This increases the size of the breath of the patient. This way the lungs don’t inflate so passively.
When is NIV used?
Post-intubation on ICU
What is FiO2?
Fraction of inspired oxygen so 85% is expressed at 0.85 etc