Ownership and Control (Traditional Marxism) Flashcards
What doe traditional Marxists say the function of media is?
Miliband =
reproduce and legitimise class inequality to maintain capitalist rule using the ‘bread and circus’ approach.
What does Marcuse say the ‘bread and circuses’ approach is?
Media is entertainment-orientated to distract the audience from important issues and exploitation.
Who do traditional Marxists say owns the media?
Dominated by the bourgeoisie =
- they have the economic power to invest.
Who do traditional Marxists say controls the media?
By the owners –> bourgeoisie.
What does Miliband argue about control of media?
The owners ‘hire and fire’ managers if the don’t perform the proper functions of media.
What evidence is there for Miliband’s claim?
The Sun =
- managers control day-to-day tasks, but Murdoch controls the political stances.
- he can fire managers who don’t comply with his politics.
How do Neo-Marxists/Pluralists criticise traditional Marxists?
It’s not plausible to control an entire corporation.
- for example, Viacom gives an indication as to the difficulty of control through ‘hiring and firing’.