OVR Flashcards
Describe formative vs summative evaluation.
Formative: progressive, developmental
Summative: terminal, A-F, pass/fail
What is fitness testing used for?
- Emergency Services, RCMP, Dog Handlers
- PARE – Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation
- Developmental
What is sport/coaching high performance sport used for?
- Scouting tool
- means to compare athletes I.e. salary arbitration
- predicting sporting success
- Talent ID
The value and effectiveness of the whole M & E process is based on these 3 factors. What are these?
- objectivity
- reliability
- validity
Describe objectivity.
- eliminate subjectivity
- the degree to which different administrators of a test assign or give scores that are the same
- depends on the clarity of the scoring system
Describe reliability.
- getting consistent measures
- score will be identical if two measurements are made
- test-retest reliability and learning effect
Describe test-retest reliability.
Same subjects, test conducted on 2 separate occasions but under same conditions, should yield same results.
Describe alternate form reliability.
two different versions of the same test should yield the same result. (vert jump test with vertec or jump mat)
Describe validity.
- the test measures what it is supposed to measure
- logical validity (content validity)
- criterion related validity (concurrent validity)
- construct validity
What is logical/content validity?
- test contains elements that match what you are testing
- ex. speed test involves sprinting
What is criterion related validity (concurrent validity)?
if you have a valid gold standard method to measure something, see if the measures made by a new test correlate
What is construct validity?
Measuring more abstract or complex concepts that are tough to directly measure.
Name 4 additional factors that influence validity.
- test should discriminate among ability through total range of ability
- test only a single attribute
- appropriate test for population you will be testing
- enjoyable tests
Explain what it means when they say that the test should discriminate among ability through total range of ability.
ideally no perfect scores or no zeros
Give an example of testing only a single attribute.
- grip strength on hand strength dynamometer is a isolated test
- squat test involves more elements
Give an example of how tests can differ based on the appropriate test for the population you will be testing.
beep test vs step test vs rockport test
Explain why test need to be enjoyable.
people won’t do well in (or do at all) tests they don’t enjoy
What type of relationship is there between objectivity, reliability, and validity?
one way
Results from testing could potentially be reliable, but not _____.
The results of a test cannot be considered valid if they are not ______.
A test can be objective without being ______, but cannot be _____ without being objective.
- valid
- valid
This test is consistent but does not measure what it is supposed to measure. What issues do we have?
reliable but not valid
This test’s results are unreliable. What issues would we have?
test can’t measure what it is supposed to measure (valid)
This test is repeatable by different administrators but it is not measuring what it is supposed to measure. What issues do we have?
objective but not valid
A test must show _______ first, then ______, and finally _______.
- objectivity
- reliability
- validity