Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.647-660 Flashcards
adhibeō adhibēre adhibuī adhibitus
(to apply); to bring in
Tēreus –eī or –eos m. (acc. sing. Tērea)
Tereus, the husband of Procne
mentior mentīrī mentītus
to lie
so, to such a point, to such an extent
famulus –a –um
serving, serviceable, servile
solium –iī n.
avītus –a –um
of a grandfather, ancestral
vēscor vēscī
to eat, feed on
vīscus vīsceris n.
congerō –gerere –gessī –gestum
to gather together
alvus –ī f.
the abdomen
arcessō (accersō) arcessere arcessīvī arcessītus
to fetch, summon
clādēs clādis f.
poscō poscere poposcī
to demand
spargō spargere sparsī sparsum
to scatter
furiālis –e
prōsiliō –īre –uī (–īvī or –iī)
to leap or spring forth
cruentus –a –um
bloody, blood–stained