Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.519-530 Flashcards
efficiō efficere effēcī effectus (efficatus, rarely)
carry out, accomplish
lītus lītoris n.
puppis puppis f.
(stern of a ship); (by metyonymy) ship
Pandīōn –onis m.
Pandion, king of Athens; father of Procne and Philomela
stabulum –ī n.
(stable; inn; brothel) hut
vetustus –a –um
palleō –ēre –uī
to be pale
cūnctus –a –um
germānua, ae, f.
inclūdō inclūdere inclūsī inclūsus
to enclose
fateor fatērī fassus sum
to confess, admit
paveō –ēre –uī
to tremble, fear
cānus –a –um
white; light gray
excutiō excutere excussī excussum
to shake off
lupus lupī m.
columba –ae f.
pigeon, dove
madefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus
to make wet
plūma –ae f.
feather, down
horreō horrēre horruī
to shudder; to dread
haereō haerēre haesī haesus
to stick to, hang on to
unguis –is m.
fingernail; claw, talon