Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.563-586 Flashcards
sustineō sustinēre sustinuī sustentus
to sustain, be able to, endure
fingō fingere fīnxī fīctus
to shape, invent
comminīscor –minīscī –mentus sum
to devise, invent, contrive
fūnus fūneris n.
funeral; death; dead body
vēlāmen –inis n.
covering, garment
umerus umerī m.
the upper arm, shoulder
fulgeō fulgēre fulsī
to shine
induō induere induī indūtus
to put on, clothe
āter atra atrum
ināne –is n.
void space
piāculum –ī n.
an expiation; expiatory
mānēs –ium m. pl
ghosts, departed spirits
lūgeō lūgēre lūxī lūctum
to mourn, grieve
lūstrō lūstrāre lūstrāvī lūstrātus
(to purify by atonement; survey, review); to traverse, travel over
annus annī m.
claudō (clūdō or clodō) claudere clausī clausus
to close
struō struere strūxī strūctus
to construct
rigeō –ēre
to be stiff, stiffen
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute
careō carēre caruī caritus
to be without
index indicis m.
informer; witness; book title
sollertia –ae f.
skill, shrewdness
stāmen –inis n.
the warp, the foundation threads in weaving
callidus –a –um
tēla tēlae f.
fīlum –ī n.
thread, string
intexō –ere –uī –tus
to weave into or in; work in
gestus –ūs m.
posture, gesture, action
sileō silēre siluī
to be silent