Overview of Colour Vision Flashcards
What is light?
- electromagnetic radiation
◦ radiation is emitted from a source in small packets of energy called photons which travel at the speed of light
◦ photons vibrate at a frequency that increases w their energy
◦ can think of light as a wave - where speed of light, wavelength and frequency are related
How does the electromagnetic spectrum work?
- high energy photons vibrate at high freq - shorter wavelength
- visible light is a narrow band of the EM spectrum
- light quality varies along 2 dimensions
◦ intensity - can be measured as anergy (watts/unit area) - relates to brightness in visible spectrum
◦ wavelength or chromaticity relates to colour
How do you measure light intensity?
- light as radiant energy
◦ can be measures in watts/m^2 - light as luminance
◦ candela/m^2
◦ scaled by international conventions, according to spectral sensitivity of human eye - light as photon flux (quantal flux)
◦ photons per unit area per unit time
What does human colour vision depend on?
3 spectral classes of cone
* blue, green and red - more correctly termed SW, MW and LW cones
* summed photoreceptor signals determine luminous sensitivity over the visible spectrum
* colour depends on wavelength but cannot be equated with wavelength
What is hue?
term for colour appearance, which changes from blue to green to yellow to red as wavelength increases
What are spectral colours?
those that can be elicited by single wavelengths
What is spectral surface reflection (SSR)?
- the SSR is a fixed physical/chemical property of a surface
- SSR describes the proportion of light reflected at each wavelength of the visible spectrum
What does the quality of light depend on?
- intensity - other things being equal, luminance and perceived brightness increase w intensity
- wavelength - chromaticity, or perceived hue, changes w wavelength
What is wavelength discrimination?
◦ the ability to discriminate changes in wavelength independently from changes in intensity
◦ need to show discrimination based purely on wavelength differences
◦ control for achromatic differences in intensity
Is wavelength discrimination possible w a single spectrally-tuned photoreceptor?
No, for example, a low intensity at 560nm could produce the same response as a high intensity at 450nm
- in theory, any two stimuli in the spectral range could be adjusted in relative intensity to produce the same response
- cannot disentangle wavelength and intensity o a single photoreceptor is colour blind
What is the Principle fo Univariance?
a single photoreceptor is colourblind
* phototransduction signal depends on rate of photon absorbance (quantal catch)
* probability of absorption depends on wavelength