Evolution and Genetics of Colour Vision Flashcards
Colour appearance and wavelength composition are dissociable
◦ colour appearance cannot simply be accounted for by the spectral profile (wavelength composition) of the image
‣ colour constancy shows that wavelength can change whiele colour appearance remains constant
‣ simultaneous colour contrast shows that colour appearance can change even though wavelength remains constant
◦ spectral changes in the illuminant would be expected to lead to changes in relative cone signals and changes in signalling from RGCs to LGN
‣ opponent processing along retinogeniculate pathway seems suited to signal wavelength composition of light
‣ perhaps further cortical processing is required to account for perceived colour - colour constancy
How are different attributes of the visual image processed?
In parallel by distinct cortical areas
◦ motion, depth, form, shape, colour * modular view that these attributes processed in parallel by specialised cortical areas ◦ areas can be divided into D and V streams w dorsal stream concerned w location, depth, motion, and ventral stream concerned w object recognition * 2 streams served by projections from early cortical visual areas to various parietal and temporal areas * from ventral stream via V4, to temporal areas crucial for object recognition * from dorsal stream MT to parietal areas crusial for knowing where things are and visuallguided action
How is colour processed?
- initial reports suggested colour-sensitive cells confined to blobs in V1
◦ circular RFs, no orientation sensitivity
◦ orientation sensitivity in interblobs
◦ later work cast doubt - onward connections maintained segregation to specialised colour processing areas
V4- fourth visual area
* intermediate between V1-3 and temporal areas crucial for object recognition
* early recordings hinted at specialisation for colour
* classified cells as wavelength coding or colour coding in monkey visual cortex
◦ found only wavelength in V1 but some in V4 were colour coding
◦ V4 lesions had little effect on colour vision and greater effect on shape discrimination
◦ V4 may be involved in colour processing but not the cortical colour centre
What is cerebral achromatopsia?
- rare condition assoc w damage to ventral visual areas
◦ does not depend on damage to V1
◦ includes homologues of monkey extrastriate ventral stream areas including V4 - usually complicated w assoc deficits in object perception
- complete loss of colour sensations but normal acuity
◦ patients can detect borders defined only by chromaticity (not luminance) indicating intact wavelength discrimination despite loss of colour
What are single opponent cells?
opposed inputs based on wavelength (parvocellualr in LGN)
What are double opponent cells?
opposed inputs based on both wavelength and spatial location in RF
- double opponent cells originally reported in V1 blobs - circular RFs w’o orientation sensitivity
- later reports questioned their existence
- recent evidence suggest DO cells found in V1 but not confined ot blobs and have oriented RFs
What are visual pigments?
- photon absorbing molecules that enable photoreceptors to produce electrical signals in response to light
- consist of an opsin bound w a chromophore
- opsins are members of the GPCR superfamily
- light sensitivity is conferred by the absorption of a photon by the chromophore and subsequent conformational change (11-cis retinal to trans retinal)
- spectral sensitivity is conferred by the AA sequence of the opsin
Describe the spectral tuning of opsin gene families
- each opsin within a family can be tuned by AA substitutions
- peak spectral sensitivity can be shifted by a few nm by a single AA substitutions at certain key positions
What are mammalian opsin families like?
- the base mammalian condition is dichromatic
- modern mammals have retained the rod and two of the cone opsins
- recent duplication of the LWS gene in African primates diverged to give the M and L cone opsins (both members of the ancestral LWS family)
- ancient subsystem. - s cone w single calss of M/L cone supports dichromatic colour vision
- divergence of M/L into distinct M and L cones means centre and surround will have spectrally opponent inputs
Where are mammalian LWS opsin gene found?
X chromosome
- old world primates have 2 similar genes head to tail (M and L opsins)
- thought that dupliation of original LWS opsin gene followed by divergence gave rise to distinct M and L opsins
LCR randomly activates promoter of L and M opsins - only one expressed in a single cone