Is the gastrocnemius an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – I ran out of gas and I had to run to gas station
Is the soleus an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – My soul is telling me to move!
Is the anterior tibialis an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – This ant is so cute that I had to stop to look at it and tib it some food!
Is the posterior tibialis an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – I made a post of me tibbing the ant some food!
Are the adductors an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – I had to add some cardio to my program!
Is the hamstring complex an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – I felt like going ham at the gym!
Is the vastus medialis oblique an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – I felt a vast laziness in my body.`
What is the difference between the vastus medialis and the vastus medialis oblique?
The vastus medialis muscle has two distinct parts with different fibe orientations and specific functions:
the vastus medialis longus (VML) &
the vastus medialis oblique/obliquus (VMO).
Is the gluteus maximus/minimus an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – I’m glued to the couch!
Is the psoas an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – So as far as us, we’re running a mile!
Is the tensor facia latae (TFL) an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – Had my latee, felt super tense, and had to go running
Is the transverse abdominus an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – Trans people usually go undercover and stay sedentary!
Are the internal obliques an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – These interns are lazy as shit!
Is the rectus femoris an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – My rectum is overactive with all of these squats!
Is the piriformis an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – My peers are all super active!
Is the multifidus an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – There are multiple people on the couch!
Is the serratus anterior an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – I serrated my pants and now I can’t go on my run!
Is the quadratus lumborum an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – My quads cause my lower back to be really tense when I squat.
Is the erector spinae an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – My erection is always overactive!
Is the pectoralis major/minor an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Overactive – This bird is pecking way too hard on the window!
Are the middle/lower trapezius an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – I was laying on the couch for so long that I fell into a trap!
Are the rhomboids an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – You have no ROM because you’re always on the couch!
Is the teres minor an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – These pants of mine keep tearing so I can’t go running!
Is the infraspinatous an overactive or underactive muscle? How are you going to remember this?
Underactive – This infrared light is allowing me to chill tf out!