Ovary & Endometrium Flashcards
What does a normal cervical examination show in a post menopausal woman?
Thin, pale, atrophic cervix
What is looked at in a transvaginal USS of the endometrium
- Measure endometrial thickness
- Looks at the endometrial contour
- Biopsy if >4mm or irregular
What can you do with a hysteroscopy?
With this can inspect the whole of the uterine cavity & endocervical canal-target area of abnormality when taking biopsy
(Outpatient with LA & inpatient with GA)
How are the pathological prognostic factors of endometrial cancer assessed?
- Histological type - Based on microscopy +/- ancillary tests
- Histological grade - Microscopy
- Stage - How far tumour has spread, based on surgical resection with assessment of entire uterus and adjacent organs
- Lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) - Microscopy of resection specimen
(MRI maybe before surgery which can give a radiological staging & Do pathological staging only when have the surgical resection specimen)
What are the two Distinct Categories of Endometrial Cancer?
- Endometrioid adenocarcinoma
- Commonest
- Unopposed oestrogen
- Hyperplasia with atypia precursor
- Uterine serous & clear cell carcinoma
- High grade, more aggressive, worse prognosis
- Generally older women
- Serous intraepithelial carcinoma precursor
..?.. is a risk factor for Type 1 endometrial cancer
Obesity=peripheral conversion of androgens in body fat into a weak oestrogen
How is endometrial cancer staged?
- depth of myometrial invasion
- cervical involvement
- lymph node involvement
What staging is used for endometrial cancer?
FIGO staging
What is the treatment for endometrial cancer depending on stage?
Early Stage=Surgery TAH/BSO/washings
High risk histology=Chemotherapy
Advanced Stage=Radiotherapy
Endometrium is ..?.. sensitive so high levels is a risk factor for endometrial cancer
What are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?
Post-menopausal women
High circulating oestrogen levels
- obesity
- unopposed E2 therapy/Tamoxifen
- early menarche/late menopause
Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia
HNPCC/Lynch type II familial cancer syndrome
Must combine HRT with ..?.. to protect uterus
Tamoxifen although it acts as an anti oestrogen in breast tissue it actually acts as what in the uterus?
An oestrogen and is associated with an increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial adenocarcinoma and endometrial sarcoma
In women <45 with endometrial cancer what is it important to check for?
Test for Lynch also important to check this in a FH of a woman with a new onset of heavy, irregular bleeding
What are the symptoms of endometrial cancer?
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding