Labour Flashcards
How many labours are induced and what do they require?
Approx 1 in 5 pregnancies are induced (artificially starting labour)
- Need fetal monitoring
- Need for cervical ripening=Prostaglandins (pharmacological) or Balloon (mechanical)
What is induction of labour?
When an attempt is made to instigate labour artificially using medications and/or devices to “ripen cervix” followed usually by artificial rupture of membranes (performing an amniotomy)
What is the BISHOP’S SCORE used for?
To clinically assess the cervix
The higher the score the more progressive change there is in the cervix & indicates that induction is likely to be successful
When can an amniotomy be performed?
Once cervix has dilated and effaced
What Bishop score is considered favourable for amniotomy?
7 or more
What is an amniotomy?
Artificial rupture of the fetal membranes usually using a sharp device (e.g. amniohook)
Once an amniotomy is performed what is IV OXYTOCIN used for?
Can be used to achieve adequate contractions (unless contractions spontaneously start) - aim for 4-5 contractions in 10 minutes
What are the indications for the induction (IOL)?
Post dates – Term + 7 days (Especially as increase over 41 weeks gestation-increasing risk of still birth)
Maternal need for planning of delivery e.g. on treatment for DVT
Foetal reasons e.g. growth concerns, oligohydramnios
Social / maternal request
What may cause inadequate progress in labour?
Inadequate uterine activity (powers)
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) (passages)
Other reasons for obstruction e.g. fibroid (passages)
Malposition (passenger)
Malpresentation (passenger)
What is labour defined by?
Regular uterine contractions, progressive effacement & dilation of the cervix & descent of presenting part (baby)
Progress in labour is evaluated by a combination of abdominal & vaginal examinations to determine what?
-Cervical effacement
-Cervical dilation
-Descent of the fetal head through the maternal pelvis
For 1) Primigravid women & 2) Parous woman in the active 1st stage of labour suboptimal progress is defined as cervical dilation of less than what?
1) <0.5cm per hr
2) <1cm per hr
What happens if contractions are inadequate?
Fetal head will not descend & exert force on the cervix & the cervix will not dilate
How can the strength and duration of the contractions be increased?
Giving a synthetic IV oxytocin to the mother
Why is it important to exclude an obstructed labour in circumstances of inadequate uterine activity?
As stimulation of an obstructed labour could result in a ruptured uterus
What is cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)?
Fetal head is in the correct position for labour but is too large to negotiate the maternal pelvis to be born
Caput (soft tissue swelling on head) &
Moulding (foetal skull bones start to cross over each other) develop
Is a degree of caput & moulding normal in labour?
Caput (soft tissue swelling on head) &
Moulding (foetal skull bones start to cross over each other)
What is malposition in labour and what occurs?
Involves the fetal head being in a suboptimal position for labour and ‘relative’ CPD occurs
Occipito-posterior (OP) & Occipito-transverse (OT)
Occipito-anterior position=optimal position
OT-babys not typically born in this position
How can tell of position of babies head?
Vaginal exam to feel for babies head-use fontanelles to guide
What is Vasa praevia?
Bleeding from foetal vessels that are abnormally placed in the amniotic sac
Why is it important to avoid causing too many contractions (Uterine Hyper-stimulation)?
Can result in fetal distress due to insufficient placental blood flow
What are the main causes of foetal distress?
Hypoxia, infection & also rare occurrences such as cord prolapse, placental abruption & vasa praevia
In many cases of suspected fetal distress no cause is found
There are 4 ways that foetal monitoring can be carried out. What are they?
- Intermittent auscultation of the foetal heart
- Cardiotocography (CTG)
- Fetal blood sampling
- Fetal ECG
How is fetal blood sampling carried out and when is it used?
Speculum used to take fetal scalp blood sample
Used when abnormal CTG
Foetal blood sampling provides a direct measurement from baby of what?
- pH & base excess
- Lactic acid
pH gives a measure of likely hypoxaemia
What forms of assisted or operative delivery are available?
- Instrumental deliveries (forceps/ventouse)
- Planned (elective) CS
- Emergency CS