Ovarian Cancer Flashcards
Borderline ovarian tumours management
Confirm histology with pathologist Clarify initial procedure that was done Referral to GONC TV USS (can have bilaterlarity) Ca-125 (useful marker over time) cystectomy - higher risk of recurrence SO Ensure staging procedure performed F/U: 3/12 for 2 years then 6 monthly for 3 years and annually thereafter TAH and BSO once family complete
Increased risk of recurrence BOT features
papillary projections
invasive implants
Counsel patient about BOT
not a cancer, but has malignant potential (1-2%)
97% survival rate
Stage 1 Ovarian cancer
Tumour confined to ovaries or fallopian tubes
Stage 2 Ovarian cancer
Tumour one or both ovaries or fallopian tubes with pelvic extension (below pelvic brim) or peritoneal cancer
Stage 3 Ovarian cancer
Tumour involves one or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, or peritoneal cancer, with cytologically or histologically
confirmed spread to the peritoneum outside the pelvis and/or metastasis to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes
Stage 4 Ovarian cancer`
Distant metastasis excluding peritoneal metastases
Tumour markers age <40
Tumour markers post menopausal
Ca 19-9
Granulosa cell tumours and thecomas systemic effects
Precocious puberty
Sertoli-leydig systemic effects
hyperandrogenic state hirsuitism voice deepening baldness irregular menstruation
Work up for Non-epithelial ovarian tumours
TV USS CT Chest/Abdo Pelvis ?PET CXR BloodsEp Tumour Markers
MOGCTS and SCST survival
80% survival at 5 years even with distant mets
Treatment NEOT
Surgery - midline lap Staging Adjuvant chemo if juvenile and 1c or greater ?HRT- not for SCST Psychological support
Epithelial ovarian cancers 5 year survival
3-25-60% (dependent on residual disease and platinum sensitivity
4- 10-15%
Granulosa cell tumour explanation
Granulosa cell tumours are a rare tumour that often produce hormones and make the female hormone oestrogen. This can cause symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or breast tenderness. These are usually cancerous and require treatment.
Sertoli-leydig tumour explanation
This is a rare sex-cord stromal tumour that often produces hormones that can cause hair growth, voice deepening, baldness and irregular periods. These have a potential to be cancerous and therefore require treatment
ovarian cancer explanation
Ovarian cancer is when abnormal cells in the ovary begin to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. They eventually form a growth (tumour). If not caught early, cancer cells gradually grow into the surrounding tissues. And may spread to other areas of the body.
BRAC explanation
A BRCA mutation is a mutation in either of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are tumour suppressor genes. When a BRCA gene is mutated, it may no longer be effective at repairing broken DNA and helping to prevent breast and/or ovarian cancer
BRAC mutation risks
BRAC 1 - lifetime risk 50%, risk before 40- 2-3%, risk before 50- 10-20%
BRAC 2 - lifetime risk 20%, risk low until 45 and then begins to increase